Unblocking Chakras for Beginners: Chakra Stones
If you’ve already come to discover the power of meditating with rocks and crystals, you might be interested in learning more. It’s natural to be curious about the world of metaphysics, and once you dive in, you’ll likely be hungry for more knowledge.
If you want to take your meditation to the next level, and you already use crystals, consider meditating with chakra stones.
What are Chakras?

You may have heard of chakras concerning yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda (an ancient whole-body healing system). Your body has seven energy centers or chakras. The word “chakra” is Sanskrit for “wheel.” We think of the body’s chakras as wheels of free-flowing energy. These swirling wheels of energy are a place in which matter and consciousness meet, and they radiate invisible, healing energy, or Prana, which keeps us healthy and thriving. The seven chakras are:
- Root
- Sacral
- Solar Plexus
- Heart
- Throat
- Third Eye
- Crown
Each chakra is associated with a color and has defining characteristics and elements. There are also symptoms associated with each blocked chakra and chakra stones for each center to assist in connecting and unblocking.
The Root Chakra
Your root chakra, or Muladhara, represents your foundation. The root chakra sits at the base of the spine and, when open, firmly grounds us to the present. When your root chakra is flowing freely and unblocked, you feel stable and confident. If it’s blocked, you feel threatened, unstable, and unreliable.
The root chakra is your primal, red energy that is responsible for survival. Think of food, sleep, family system, and money. Your root chakra develops from conception to your first birthday when you answer the first philosophical question of life - “Do I belong here?” As an infant and young child, if you felt secure and your parents met your primal needs, you likely developed a strong root chakra.
In the physical body, the root chakra controls the adrenal glands, intestines, kidneys, bone structure, muscles, and blood that flows through the left chamber of your heart, which carries oxygen to the rest of your body.
Signs My Root Chakra is Blocked
Symptoms of a blocked first, or root, chakra are restlessness, general fatigue or lack of energy, anxiety, panic disorder, depression, resentment, rage, or a general sense of hopelessness. We may also feel threatened or have low self-esteem. In your body, you could experience problems with the colon, bladder, lower back, left arm and leg, feet issues, prostate problems, or eating disorders.
Unblocking the Root Chakra
To work on unblocking the root chakra, meditate using the chakra stone red jasper. Red jasper provides physical and emotional healing to symptoms associated with a blocked root chakra. When you meditate, you can place the chakra stone on top of the chakra, in this case, lie down and place the chakra stone on the pubic bone. Other options for meditating with chakra stones are wearing red jasper in jewelry, or holding it in your hand.
Mantra for meditating with the red jasper chakra stone: “My body is my home. My body and soul are connected.”
The Sacral Chakra
Your sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is home to your passion and pleasure energy. It resides in your pelvic area, and when your second chakra is flowing free from blockage, you are free to let go and experience every minute as it is. You can feel every emotion profoundly and fully without being consumed by them. When the sacral chakra is blocked, you face issues with your emotions and pleasure (sexual and otherwise).
The sacral chakra energy is orange and associated with emotions, creativity, and sensations. The sacral chakra makes its first appearance around age two, and then it develops around puberty, approximately ages seven through fourteen. You might have experienced your first relationship during the sacral chakra’s development or your first crush.
In your body, the sacral chakra is in control of the reproductive organs, stomach, gallbladder, and large intestine.
Symptoms of a Blocked Sacral Chackra
When the sacral chakra is blocked, you may experience co-dependency on another person or a substance that temporarily gives you pleasure. You might feel completely governed by your emotions, or entirely out of touch with your emotions, sexual obsession, or total lack of sexual desire, or feel stuck. In your body, you might experience kidney or urinary tract problems, lower back pain, sexual disorders, infertility, or unpredictable menstrual cycles.
How to Unblock the Sacral Chackra
Many women and men deal with the burdens of a blocked sacral chakra because of how society perceives sexuality and emotions. To unblock your sacral chakra, try meditating with the chakra stone amber. Amber is used all over the world for its healing powers and as a chakra stone. When you meditate, wear amber, hold it in your hand, or place an amber chakra stone about three inches below your belly button.
Mantra for meditating with an amber chakra stone: “I am radiant, beautiful, and strong. I enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra, or Manipura, is the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is where your self-confidence originates. Located in the upper part of the belly where your diaphragm is, with yellow energy, when this chakra is open, you feel in control of your own life and choices. If there is a disturbance in the third chakra, you might be excessively controlling, or feel helpless and lack ambition.
The solar plexus chakra reveals itself at age three, then develops between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one when we begin to understand who we are as individuals. This chakra is physically associated with the stomach, pancreas, and metabolism.
How do I Know My Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked?
If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might be manipulative and controlling of loved ones, obsessed with minute details, or lack direction and purpose. You might have lots of ideas and never realize any of them due to a lack of passion and motivation.
Unblocking the Solar Plexus Chakra
If you relate to the symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra, try meditating with the chakra stone quartz. Quartz is the most potent chakra stone and crystal, linked to various health benefits. Hold your quartz chakra stone in your hand, wear it, or lie down and place it on your belly above your belly button.
Mantra for meditating with a quartz chakra stone: “I am worthy of kindness, love, and respect. I am the embodiment of inner peace and confidence.”
The Heart Chakra
Your heart center, the fourth chakra or Anahata, is the connection between our body and spirit. This green energy is your source of love and appreciation, located in your chest. Without an open heart chakra, you can’t experience deeply significant relationships. When the heart chakra is open and full, you experience balance in giving and receiving. You also feel a connection with your spirit.
The heart chakra begins to surface at age four, and between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-eight, we enter the heart chakra cycle and become more confident and loving towards ourselves and others. Many people commit to their life partners during this timeframe, or turn that energy inward and fall more in love with themselves.
Is My Heart Chakra Blocked?
When the heart chakra is blocked, you might be jealous or defensive, fear intimacy, or so insecure that you’re continually trying to appease others. You might cast yourself as a victim, or feel the need to rescue others. You might feel antisocial and refuse to release grudges. The physical connections to the heart, circulatory system, and lungs mean that if your heart chakra is blocked, you could experience lung infections, disease, or even cancer. You might also experience heart problems or issues with circulation. People sometimes experience “heart chakra pain,” a physical pain in the chest with no notable physical issues.
Unblock the Heart Chakra
When your heart chakra is blocked, you can try meditating with rose quartz. This powerful chakra stone is in the quartz family, which means it’s incredibly healing. This pink toned quartz heals and opens the heart to promote self-love and compassion and brings about inner healing and peace.
Mantra for meditating with a rose quartz chakra stone: “I am loved, I am cherished, I accept myself, and I accept others."
The Throat Chakra
The fifth chakra, also known as the throat or Vishuddha, exists between your chin and chest. This chakra is blue, and it controls your mouth, tongue, and neck, which means it relates to your communication skills. More specifically, your ability to understand and speak your innermost truths. People with blocked throat chakras often have difficulty expressing their needs or remaining true to themselves.
When you turn five years old, the throat chakra begins to develop and then matures between the ages of twenty-nine and thirty-five. At this point in life, many people are comfortable enough to speak and express themselves openly. You might even discover or begin to refine your life’s purpose at this point.
How to Recognize a Blocked Throat Chakra
If you’re suffering from a blocked throat chakra, you might have difficulty tuning into yourself and what you want and need. You may feel the need to hide your opinions and desires from others or have difficulty listening to others. Because the throat chakra is physically involved with the thyroid, if you have a blockage at the throat chakra, you might experience thyroid issues.
Unblock: Throat Chakra
If you suspect a throat chakra block, you should try to meditate with Lapis Lazuli. This beautiful, royal blue chakra stone helps stimulate and balance. It is the “stone of truth,” helping free the flow of the throat chakra so you can connect with yourself and others.
Mantra for meditating with a lapis lazuli chakra stone: While meditating holding the chakra stone, or placing the lapis lazuli on your throat, try repeating to yourself “I am an active listener who speaks my true thoughts with ease.”
The Third Eye Chakra
Ajna, the third eye chakra, is the sixth chakra. It is blue energy, and it is the area between the eyebrows, also known as the mind’s eye. The sixth chakra involves connecting the external world with our internal selves. It is your intuition or your sixth sense. When this energy is flowing, you feel calm and insightful, and highly intuitive. If blocked, you will have difficulty opening your mind and seeing different perspectives.
At the age of six, your third eye chakra starts to develop. You enter the third eye chakra cycle between thirty-six and forty-two. At this point, you might begin to understand life better, and even have frequent epiphanies that change everything.
Signs of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra
When the third eye chakra is blocked, you feel cynical and depressed. You might be overly attached to material objects and circumstances. The sixth chakra is closely related to the eyes and head, so blockages might mean vision problems, headaches, and even debilitating migraines.
Method of Unblocking Third Eye Chakra
If you’re suffering from one or more symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra, meditate with the chakra stone amethyst. Amethyst is another chakra stone in the quartz family. It’s incredibly nourishing and healing and promotes wisdom, healing, and protection.
Mantras for meditating with an amethyst chakra stone: Wear amethyst, hold the chakra stone, or place it on your forehead while you meditate. Repeat to yourself, “I trust my intuition. I let my inner wisdom guide me.”
The Crown Chakra
Lastly, the seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It is also known as Sahaswara. It sits at the crown of the head and relates to your highest self. This violet energy is our personal source of enlightenment and our connection to the divine.
When you turn seven years old, your crown chakra begins to develop. The final cycle of the crown chakra development doesn’t take place until the ages of forty-three to forty-nine. Typically, if you have not experienced a spiritual awakening yet, you might at this point in your life.
Evidence of a Blocked Crown Chakra
If your crown chakra is blocked, you will find that your happiness relies on external conditions. You might face existential depression, be greedy, and be too involved with your ego. Physically, a blocked crown chakra might manifest as mental health disorders, fatigue, or headaches.
How Can I Unblock My Crown Chakra?
To unblock your crown chakra and become more awakened, try meditating with clear quartz. Clear quartz chakra stones are the master healer. It amplifies energies, connects you to the spiritual plane, and neutralizes negative energies. Clear quartz can assist in opening all the chakras.
Mantra for meditating with a clear quartz chakra stone: Use this powerful chakra stone when you meditate and repeat, “I am an extension of the universe. My higher self and I are connected. I am complete with the divine.”
Chakra Stones to Unblock Each Chakra
Now that you’ve become aware of each chakra and what they control, don’t be surprised if you notice symptoms and begin attributing them to blockages. The good news is that awareness is often the first step, and all it takes to unblock is some intensely focused meditation to cure. Chakra stones are a great tool to assist you on your journey to spiritual enlightenment, and healthy, free-flowing chakras.
- Red Jasper
- Amber
- Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Lapis Lazuli
- Amethyst
- Clear Quartz
Whaler’s Locker has a beautiful collection of chakra stones and healing crystals that make great gifts for yourself or a loved one.