Why Healing Crystals are an Integral Part of Activating Your Third Eye Chakra
Are you lying awake for hours? Have trouble falling back asleep if you wake in the night? This could mean you are struggling with your third eye chakra. You may be finding that you can’t get it fully open or that even if it is open, it’s weak. These are all common issues so let’s talk about healing your chakra and, more importantly, why the missing link might be chakra stones and healing crystals.
What is a Chakra?
Let’s take a look at what a chakra is before we go into the third eye chakra. In Sanskrit, the word chakra means disc or wheel, and it refers to your body’s energy centers. Specific nerve bundles and major organs are represented by these spinning energy wheels.
To work properly, your chakras must be open or balanced. If a chakra becomes blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to it. It’s not a big deal if they get blocked, though, as each chakra can be opened and reactivated. There are seven primary chakras located along your spine. They start at the base of your spine and run up to the top of your head.
Meet the Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra (also known as the Ajna in Sanskrit) is located in the center of the forehead and is known as the seat of human intuition. This chakra is the gateway to our deepest pool of inner wisdom, clarity, and all the knowledge we need to reach greater levels of spiritual contemplation. The third eye is the part of our energy that looks inward and beyond what our other two eyes can see.
What Color is the Third Eye Chakra?
The third eye chakra is indigo. Indigo is made up of two colors, blue and red, each with its own set of properties. Indigo is a color that stimulates reflection and self-awareness because it combines the fire of red with the tranquility of blue. Indigo also represents the link between life and death, the right and left hemispheres, and heaven and earth.
5 Signs Your Third Eye Chakra is Blocked

The first step is always identifying the problem, so before we talk about healing your chakra, let’s make sure that we’re clear on the signs that indicate a blocked third eye chakra.
- Feeling disconnected from other people
- Feeling out of sync or disconnected from nature
- Experiencing insomnia or interrupted sleep
- Underactive Imagination
- Diet high in processed foods
1. Feeling Disconnected From Other People
When your third eye chakra is blocked, you may feel disconnected and out of sync – like you are struggling to understand the world around you and that your thoughts and opinions seem to miss the point. The sense and experience of oneness allows for connection with others. If you’re not feeling connected, it’s a sign you need to heal your chakra. This is because the energy of the third eye chakra is linked to the collective consciousness and intuition.
2. Feeling Out of Sync or Disconnected From Nature
Nature is all about life and energy, as are the chakras. In particular, you know your third eye chakra needs healing when you feel out of balance and unable to recharge with nature. This doesn’t necessarily mean spending time in an old-growth forest; it can mean that you are out of sync with your house plants and maybe over/under watering instead of knowing intuitively what they need. It also means that spending time in rooms with your greenery doesn’t ground or center you the way it used to.
3. Experiencing Insomnia or Interrupted Sleep
The disconnect with nature often goes hand in hand with poor-quality sleep or no sleep at all. This is because your natural circadian rhythms can be chaotic due to the lack of energy sync with the natural world (we’ll get to this shortly, but if your sleep is an issue, chakra stones can really help).
4. Underactive Imagination
An open mind and active imagination, including dreams and the ability to remember them, are all tied to the third eye chakra. When you’re blocked, it’s the exact opposite. If you have a job that requires creativity, you may find that you can’t seem to come up with any good ideas or that your ideas have already been done.
5. Diet High in Processed Food
We don’t always have the energy to make wholesome, organic meals. Sometimes we need something quick and easy because it’s better than not eating at all. This is a very circular state when it comes to your third eye chakra.
Being tired (see above on insomnia and interrupted sleep) and having low energy can mean that you gravitate towards what is easy, commonly highly processed foods, which result in a sugar spike and brutal crash, worsening the cycle. If this sounds like you, it’s time to start healing your chakra.
The Best Chakra Stones for Healing Your Third Eye Chakra
- Amethyst
- Moonstone
- Clear Quartz
- Lapis Lazuli
Amethyst is one of the most powerful stones for healing and often acts as a natural tranquilizer, helping to melt away stress. When used with your third eye chakra, this healing crystal helps balance your mood and release you from fear and anxiety.

Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength, and it is a stone for fresh beginnings. It relieves emotional stress and instability, as well as stabilizes and calms emotions. Moonstone works well in conjunction with amethyst when healing your chakra as it helps you create calm and be open to your intuition.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is transparent and pure, representing the clear connection to the spiritual world when your chakras are open. It is an amplifying stone that strengthens your intuition when your third eye chakra is open.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a healing stone used to enhance clarity, honesty, and compassion. It also encourages self-awareness and creativity, all of which are closely tied to the third eye chakra. This chakra stone comes in a smaller format, which makes it easy to slip into a pocket or purse so you can have it with you at all times.
The 5 Steps to Healing your Chakra with Crystals and Stones
- Make sure your chakra stones or crystals are fully charged, ideally with a night exposed to a full moon, but in a pinch, any moonlight will work.
- Lay on your back in savasana and place an amethyst crystal on your third eye and moonstone, clear quartz, or lapis lazuli in each hand. Optimally all three crystals/chakra stones will be different.
- Spend ten minutes focusing on just deep breathing following the square method – four counts in, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold for four counts. Repeat.
- Imagine a beam of pure energy directed at the amethyst on your third eye, entering and healing your chakra. Intake all the positive energy and release all the negative with each exhale
- Feel the energy spread through your body, warming the chakra stones in each palm. When you feel the energy spread to your toes, imagine your third eye chakra bursting with energy and breaking the iron box containing it. Take five deep breaths and slowly come back to yourself.

If you are still feeling blocked, repeat the process on the third day and again after a full moon.
As you can see, chakra stones and healing crystals are imperative for unblocking and activating your third eye chakra. Healing your chakra is about connecting to the collective energy and tuning into your intuition. With an open third eye chakra, you can be your best self.
How to Maintain an Open Third Eye Chakra
A good sleep routine, daily meditation with healing crystals, and chakra stones in close proximity are all fantastic ways to keep your third eye chakra open. When you do these things, it will allow your intuition to come through with increased clarity and your creativity to flow.