Low on Energy? These 5 Healing Crystals Can Help!

Low on Energy? These 5 Healing Crystals Can Help!

Healing crystals are used to help you overcome several different types of problems. Whether you’re having trouble sleeping, dealing with anxiety, or suffering from physical ailments, healing crystals are there for you. However, even if you don’t have anything specific in need of healing, you can still reap the benefits of healing crystals. For example, many use crystals for energy and guidance. 

Harnessing the Powers of Healing Crystals for Energy Gains

Banded Agate Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring

While healing crystals have intense properties to help with your ailments, the energy that can be harnessed from crystals has been described as extraordinary and intense. Knowing how to first identify the crystals and then how to harness the energy from crystals is important if you are new to using them.

You can use your crystals to gain energy in a number of ways. But first, your crystals need to be cleansed and fully charged. There are several ways to cleanse and recharge your crystals, including placing them outside or on a windowsill on a full moon or burying them underground for 24 hours.

Once you’ve cleansed your crystals, you can use them however you see fit. While some choose to wear their crystals for energy, others place them somewhere in a room or place them in their purse to bring with them. Whatever you choose to do, there is no wrong way to receive the energy. So, what are the best crystals for energy? We’re glad you asked!

The Top 5 Crystals for Energy:

  • Lemurian Quartz
  • Moldavite
  • Moqui
  • Auralite
  • Astrophyllite

How to Use Lemurian Quartz Healing Crystals

Lemurian quartz is a popular crystal for energy. It’s been said that the crystal originated from the fabled lost continent of Lemuria, a spiritual and peaceful place. Also used as a healing crystal, Lemurian quartz is one of the most popular choices for receiving energies. While bringing intense energy to the user, it also helps remove energy blocks that may be stuck and cleanse your chakras to ensure the new energies can get to you.

Why Moldavite is a Powerful Healing Crystal

Atlas Mountain Jasper Palm Stone

Moldavite has been labeled as one of the most powerful crystals someone can touch. Only found in the Czech Republic, moldavite has been around for millions of years. The energy from moldavite is so intense that those who pick it up feel a tingling feeling in their hand almost instantly that spreads throughout their body.

While there are many ways to receive energy from moldavite, we recommend wearing it. Those who wear moldavite jewelry are able to keep its energies in their vibrational field, which strengthens its effects. However, moldavite can be so intense for some that they may even feel lightheaded and have to ground themselves and get used to it!

How to Use Your Moqui Marbles

Moqui marbles are found in southern Utah near the Grand Canyon. For those looking to balance their inner self, moqui helps you connect to Mother Earth’s energies while clearing any energy blockages you may be having and restoring your inner balance. While they are most commonly used in ritual practices by Native American shamans in the Hopi tribe, those who have used them on a personal level have been able to harness the energies moqui offers.

The larger moqui marbles are known to possess deep and slow energy that you can feel from the moment you put them in your hands. There are male and female moqui marbles, and we recommend using one of each when using them. While you can use the marbles in any way, we recommend putting the female marble on your crown chakra located on the top of your head and the male marble under your foot.

What the Auralite Healing Crystal is Used For

Baltic Amber Bracelet- Style 14

Auralite 23 is one of the most popular crystals for energy. This mysterious stone radiates unique energy for those who possess it. When someone touches the stone, they feel an intense vibration instantly. The number 23 refers to the number of distinct minerals in it. Found only on the north side of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada, this is an extremely rare healing crystal.

Auralite 23 is known to balance a person’s energies throughout while helping them avoid falling into negative tendencies. We don’t recommend this healing crystal for beginners as its intensity can be a lot for those who aren’t experienced with healing crystals. Whether you want to carry it in your hand or wear it as a piece of jewelry, you can experience the strength and benefits Auralite 23 has to offer.

Why Astrophyllite is a Rare Crystal

Astrophyllite is another rare crystal used for energy. It is also used to enhance one’s mental abilities, build deeper connections, and heal emotional traumas. As it works to do all this, it allows the user to have more space to bring in new energies and provides a feeling of inner peace. This powerful healing crystal is most commonly used in jewelry form.

Our 3 Most Popular Crystals for Energy

The five crystals above are known for their intense energies and are extremely rare. At Whaler’s Locker, three of our most popular crystals are used for energy and are perfect for beginners or those who aren’t ready for an intense experience.

Our 3 healing crystals for energy include:

  • Banded agate
  • Jasper
  • Baltic amber

How to Use Banded Agate for Energy

Banded Agate Egg

Banded agate is known for its looks, but if you look past the exterior, there is so much more to this beautiful stone. It’s known to hold strong energy and healing that can change one’s life. For those who are struggling to balance their energies, banded agate is exactly what you need. Helping energy flow freely throughout your body allows you to receive that energy rush and take it with you wherever you go.

Banded agate can be used in several ways:

  • Grab our Banded Agate Egg and hold it in your hand or carry it with you in your purse
  • Decorate your home with Banded Agate as keeping it close will continue to protect you while providing positive energy
  • If you prefer to wear it, our Banded Agate Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring is our recommendation for you to experience its energies directly


How to Connect with Your Jasper Healing Crystal

Picture Jasper Cube

Jasper has a strong connection to the earth’s energy, meaning all types of jasper can boost your energy level. When using jasper as a crystal for energy, it provides a feeling similar to adrenaline, providing a surge of energy to boost a person up.

There are several types of jasper, and each of them holds unique types of energy so no two users will have the same experience:

  • Our Picture Jasper Cube is known for having nurturing energies that help release feelings of stress and are mainly used during meditation
  • Our Atlas Mountain Jasper Palm Stone is the perfect healing crystal to bring into your home because it brings positive energy into each space it inhabits


Why Baltic Amber Crystals are Used for Energy

Baltic Amber Earrings- BAER08

Baltic Amber is an ancient crystal full of energy. Not only does it raise energy levels, but it also removes any negative energy and replaces it with positive energy. Because Baltic amber removes negative energies, it is crucial to wash it with tepid water and a soft cloth for a few seconds to recharge it.

While there are several ways to harness the energy that Baltic amber offers, the most popular choice is jewelry.

We have several stunning pieces:

While these three pieces are only a fraction of what we offer, every piece of our Baltic Amber is worth checking out.

Are you feeling ready to receive all the energy these crystals have to offer? Whether you are a beginner who is just starting out or you are expanding your collection and ready for the next level of healing crystals, the options are endless!  

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