seven different colored stones represented the different chakras

A Guide to Chakras & Healing Stones

I bet you are thinking to yourself, “What’s a chakra, and why do I want to know about it?” “Do I need healing stones?”  The questions are endless, and there is so much information that knowing where to start can feel overwhelming.

The best place to start is with the basics. We’ve got you covered on all things, from what a chakra is to healing stones and crystals and how to use them.

What Are the Seven Chakras?

There are seven main chakras that each have a unique meaning. Chakras originated in India and are known as a complex and ancient energy system. The term chakra means "wheel" and refers to the energy points in one's body. This "wheel" is thought to be disks of energy that should stay open and align to our nerves, major organs, and areas affected by our emotional and physical well-being.

statue sitting with crossed legs with seven chakras glowing throughout their body

The Seven Chakras

  • Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Third Eye Chakra
  • Crown Chakra

These seven main chakras each come with a corresponding name, color, specific area of the body, and health focus. Don’t feel intimidated when it comes to chakras, even if you are a beginner.

Root Chakra

  • The root chakra is located on the spine in the tailbone area of the body. It is associated with red, and its meaning is focused on physical identity, stability, and grounding.
  • When your root chakra is blocked, it can manifest as physical issues such as colon problems, constipation, or arthritis. It can also cause emotional issues through feelings of insecurity about basic needs and well-being. When in alignment, we feel grounded and secure in all aspects.
  • Ways to unblock chakras include setting your intentions, rubbing a metal spoon on your foot, and using grounding crystals.

Sacral Chakra

  • The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button and above the pubic bone. It is associated with orange, and its meaning is focused on sexuality, pleasure, and creativity.
  • When your sacral chakra is blocked, it can manifest in associated organs such as urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and impotence. Regarding feelings and emotions, this chakra is connected to our feelings of self-worth.
  • Ways to unblock chakras include being creative while using orange, eating orange foods that will nourish the sacral chakra, and holding crystals while doing a chakra-balance meditation. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

chakra written in pebbles on the sand at the beach
  • The solar plexus chakra is in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. It is associated with yellow, and its meaning is focused on self-esteem and confidence.
  • When your solar plexus chakra is blocked, it can manifest as digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, and indigestion. In addition, it is considered the chakra of our power and is related to our self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Ways to unblock chakras include being creative with the color yellow, yoga, and even affirmations. 

Heart Chakra

  • The heart chakra is at the center of the chest, just above the heart. It is associated with green, and it is associated with love and compassion.
  • When your heart chakra is blocked, it can manifest in our physical health through asthma, weight issues, and heart problems. People experiencing these blocks often put others first, even though it is detrimental to them.
  • Being the middle of the seven chakras bridges the gap between our upper and lower chakras and therefore represents our ability to love and connect to others. When the heart chakra is not in alignment, it can make us feel lonely, insecure, and isolated.
  • Ways to unblock chakras include meditation and crystal therapy which uses the vibrations from the crystals to help heal our chakras.

Throat Chakra

  • The throat chakra is in the throat. It is associated with blue, and it’s connected to communication.
  • When your throat chakra is blocked, it can manifest as problems with your gums, teeth, and mouth.
  • Ways to unblock chakras include incorporating blue in your life, doing neck stretches, and focusing on your breath.

Third Eye Chakra

  • The third eye chakra between the eyes on the forehead is also known as the "brow" chakra. It is associated with indigo, and its meaning is intuition and imagination.
  • When your third eye chakra is blocked, it can manifest as headaches, issues with sight or concentration, and hearing problems. This chakra is connected to awareness, perception, and spiritual communication.  
  • Ways to unblock chakras include using crystals, sun gazing, and practice meditation and chanting. 

Crown Chakra

  • The crown chakra is at the very top of the head. It is associated with violet or white, and its meaning is awareness and intelligence.
  • When your sacral chakra is blocked, it affects the brain and nervous system. It is also linked to every other chakra and affects all organs.
  • Ways to unblock chakra include meditation, yoga, and crystal therapy.

What Are the Different Kinds of Healing Stones?

Healing stones come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Upon quick glance, you can feel overwhelmed with all the different choices, and, more importantly, what they are used for.  

Most Popular Healing Stones

  • Amethyst
  • Citrine
  • Moonstone
  • Clear Quartz
  • Shungite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Hematite

Amethyst: A tranquil purple stone known to help alleviate anxiety and rid you of addictions. It is also known to enhance your spiritual guide. 

Citrine: A cheerful yellow stone that is known to promote positive feelings while eliminating heavy negative vibes. It is known to exchange doubt and tension with confidence and lightness.

Moonstone: A stone that boosts your intuition and connects you to your feminine side in positive ways. It is also a good stone for overwhelmed moms.

Clear Quartz: Stimulating your crown chakra helps to center yourself. The spirit is better protected with this healing stone, and negative thoughts and challenges are easier to manage.

Shungite: This healing stone is excellent for refreshing and restoring your energy. Some place it under their devices to balance the energy with technology.

Chrysocolla: This healing stone is excellent for stimulating ideas and discovering new outlooks and different perspectives. It is perfect for use when embarking on a new journey or if someone needs a fresh start.

Hematite: Used to break down negative energy by absorbing it, it helps with grounding and protects from bad energy. 

Collecting healing stones and crystals still comes with the challenge of knowing if you are buying an authentic one or a fake. Making sure to choose the right healing stone or crystal is as important as making sure to choose the right fossil. 

Is Your Crystal Real?

It is important to know what to look for when trying to spot a fake crystal.

Hematoid quartz heart stones on green leaf
  • Strange names
  • Saturated colors
  • Perfectly symmetrical patterns
  • Know your retailer
  • Glassy look and feel
  • Air bubbles
  • Hardness scale 

Knowing how your chakras work and how to combat the negative energy that comes with them can help immensely in your own life. Channeling the positive energy that comes with the crystals is beneficial to your mindset and self. It is important to be able to fully understand your body and mind and keep them in sync.

Using your new knowledge of chakras to be open to positive energy will make for an easier life with better life experiences. Hopefully, we have convinced you to invest in your first crystal or healing stone and start focusing on unblocking chakras one at a time!

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