Healing Your Sacral Chakra
Are you feeling out of sorts and struggling to figure out why? Are you noticing both your creativity and libido are low? Your struggles may be due to a blocked sacral chakra.
Our emotions, well-being, worries, and, more precisely, our ability to sense empathy are all governed by the sacral chakra, which functions in tandem with the heart chakra. After being orientated with sacral chakra basics, we’ll look at how you can open and heal your chakra with chakra stones.
Meet the Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, or swadisthana chakra in Sanskrit, is commonly known as the sex chakra, the social chakra, and the creative chakra. This second chakra, positioned on the lumbar spine of our backs, in the center of our bellies, serves as a source of pleasure and desire for the individual, both sensually and creatively. The reproductive systems and processes, sexuality, relationships, emotions, and sense of adventure are all governed by this chakra.
When you think of the sacral chakra, the first thing that springs to mind is usually sexuality, but creativity is an often-overlooked component of it. It's vital to keep in mind that this chakra isn't just about sex. At its most basic level, the sacral chakra governs passion and pleasure, two phenomena that appear in our lives.
A flower with a crescent moon represents the sacral chakra, which has feminine energy. The sacral chakra is related to water on an elemental level, and its mantra is "I feel." The color orange is associated with the sacral chakra.
How To Tell If Your Sacral Chakra Is Blocked and Needs Healing
On an emotional level, some signs that your sacral chakra is blocked include feeling locked off, resistant to spontaneity, uneasy in your own skin, or ashamed of your sexuality. Other potential issues coming from an out-of-alignment sacral chakra include a lack of sensuality and trouble pursuing creative undertakings.
Physically, signs of a sacral chakra in need of healing include menstrual cramps, urinary tract infections, a substantial rise or reduction in sexual interest, and lower back pain. Of course, this isn't to say that your symptoms aren't caused by something else, and nothing on this page can take the place of medical advice.
5 Classic Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked
- Anxiety
- Sense of detachment
- Low to no libido
- Loneliness
- Lack of originality or creative ideas
How do Chakra Stones Help Heal Your Sacral Chakra?
Using chakra stones helps focus your meditation and helps your body absorb the positive energy flowing through them. Chakra stones are powerful tools that connect to the earth’s energy, which will help you find and release any blocks in order to heal your chakra.
Which Chakra Stones Are Best for Healing the Sacral Chakra?
- Chrysoprase (the most powerful sacral chakra healing stone)
- Carnelian
- Orange Calcite
- Tiger Eye
- Baltic Amber
- Moonstone
- Amethyst
Chrysoprase reaches out a hand to lift you up into happier feelings. It teaches us to move away from co-dependence and toward self-forgiveness, as well as to cherish and recall our own unique energy.
Carnelian, like all fire stones, floods the body with life and brightness, summoning the forces of physical energy. It's all about activating the muscles, allowing oxygen to circulate freely, and keeping your tissues and organs in top condition. Carnelian may be able to assist anyone who is experiencing difficulties with their sexual energy.
Orange Calcite
Calcite is here to help you express yourself creatively, wash away negativity, and heal your sacral chakra so you can live the life you were meant to live.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is one of the best stones for learning to trust your own judgment and making difficult decisions. It keeps us from second-guessing ourselves and provides us with faith in our own leadership talents. It’s a great stone to have in your working environment.
Baltic Amber
Baltic amber is the lifeblood of ancient trees, bringing all their energy into the present. It gives us all the resources and empowering vibrations we need to totally heal ourselves by infusing us with a sense of fullness, opening our sacral chakra.
This chakra stone is fantastic for alleviating anxiety and sadness, as well as promoting good sleep and hormonal balance. Moonstone might coax your body into a healthier flow if you're having trouble with your monthly cycles.
Those who feel as if they are on the verge of losing their grip should seek amethyst's assistance. This stone is excellent for relieving stress and providing the tools necessary to overcome insomnia and headaches. Put it beneath your pillow for a more comfortable night's sleep.
How to use Chakra Stones to Open Your Chakra
It’s easier to channel that energy now that you know which stones are excellent for healing the sacral chakra. Keeping healing crystals against your skin is one of the most effective methods to attract healing into your body.
Placing one of these chakra stones on your lower belly while lying down in meditation can also help to eliminate blockages and invite healing to that chakra. You can also use these chakra stones to help with fertility concerns and sexual energy flow by placing them on your reproductive organs or under your pillow while you sleep.
If you want to boost your energy or connection when it comes to intimate interactions, keep sacral chakra stones near your bed or beneath your pillow. Having a sacral chakra stone in your creative environment helps illuminate those inner pathways and prevents you from feeling sluggish and obstructed.
How to Keep Your Sacral Chakra Open
Physical movement, particularly when directed at the sacral chakra region through exercises like hip circles, is therapeutic and can help heal your chakra. In a similar line, specific yoga asanas, such as warrior II, goddess pose, low lunge, and pigeon posture, can help the sacral chakra heal and stay open. For an added benefit, hold a chakra stone in your palm as you meditate or line them up at the top of your yoga mat.
5 Sacral Chakra Mantras
Affirmations are another effective method for chakra balancing. Here are 5 examples that go beyond ‘I feel’:
- I am grateful for my body, which supports and strengthens me.
- I feel grateful and delighted to be myself.
- My body is something I accept, embrace, and appreciate.
- My natural sexuality is respected.
- I allow creativity and passion to flow freely through me.
Now that you know what all the sacral chakra is responsible for, you will be able to continue on a path to healing. With ongoing practice and the right chakra stones, you can keep receiving the benefits of an open sacral chakra and improve your life.