Healing Your Throat Chakra – The Essentials
Feeling like you can’t express yourself clearly? Or that your words are getting stuck in your throat? Are you feeling more insecure, timid, and anxious about social situations?
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing a block in your throat chakra. Read on to learn about how you can begin healing your chakra so you can spread your wings and your voice.
Let’s explore chakra basics, then look more closely at the signs that can tell you your throat chakra may be blocked. Finally, we’ll go over healing your chakra with the help of chakra stones and healing crystals.
What is a Chakra?
The concept of chakra may be traced back to Hinduism's early origins. The Indian religions have different beliefs, with many Buddhist scriptures referring to five chakras while Hindu sources allude to six or seven. In modern times, you will commonly see seven chakras.
Meet the Throat Chakra
Vishuddha chakra, the fifth chakra, is found at the base of the throat, in the center of the larynx. Effective communication is the energy element influenced by this chakra. It also symbolizes creativity and expression. The throat chakra develops a strong link to both vocal and nonverbal communication.
How To Tell If You Have a Blocked Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is said to be the hub of communication, emotion, and creativity. It has an impact on your capacity to be honest and express yourself. It might be difficult for energy to move via your throat chakra if it is uneven or blocked.
Here are the signs that indicate you may need to begin healing your chakra:
- Difficulty expressing yourself
- Speaking without thinking
- Dishonesty
- Insensitivity or insecurity
- Social phobia
Physically, your ears, mouth, and neck can all be affected by a block or misalignment.
Physical difficulties that could arise include:
- Neck stiffness or discomfort
- Thyroid issues
- Throat irritation (acute and chronic)
- Hoarseness
- Sores in the mouth
- Jaw ache
- TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems
- Dental issues
- Difficulty hearing
You could be experiencing nonphysical symptoms, physical symptoms, or a combination of the two if you need to heal your chakra.
What Color is the Throat Chakra?

The color blue is related to the throat chakra. Blue is supposed to have a relaxing impact on the human body. Blue is also associated with communication, honesty, and empathy.
Wearing blue clothes and jewelry or carrying blue healing crystals or chakra stones can help unblock and maintain an open throat chakra.
To keep your throat chakra open, opt for some of these beautiful pieces to keep with you. Check out this moving jaw shark tooth necklace with blue stone beads, a Nepalese turquoise drop pendant, or a Dreamy Larimar Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring. If you are a fan of shark teeth and fossils, this Parotodus Benedeni with Turquoise Inlay pendant is highly unique and rare.
Best Healing Crystals and Chakra Stones To Unblock Your Throat Chakra
As blue is the color of the throat chakra, it follows that the chakra stones and healing crystals are also blue.
Some of our favorites include:
- Amazonite
- Turquoise
- Aquamarine
- Lapis lazuli
This bluish-green gem is thought to help people achieve emotional equilibrium and protect them from negative feelings. The stone is also thought to soothe the neurological system, bringing calmness and clarity, which help in healing your chakra.

Turquoise is a blue-green gemstone that is opaque. It is considered to aid in the expression of your thoughts. Not being able to express yourself clearly is a sign of a blocked throat chakra, so this stone is ideal for it. A turquoise pendant is especially powerful when worn daily due to its proximity to the throat chakra.
The color of this gem ranges from light blue to green-blue. It's said to help you connect with hidden emotions, calm your mind, and inspire honesty.
Lapis lazuli
The blue stone lapis lazuli is said to help with healing your chakra by aiding communication. Self-expression, creativity, and mental clarity are also boosted. Keeping some lapis lazuli stones in your pocket or on your bedside table can help heal your chakra.
How To Unblock Your Throat Chakra
The first step in healing your chakra is to recognize that it is blocked, in whole or in part. Then, you need to make sure you have healing crystals and chakra stones in shades of blue. Ideally, they are fully charged or have spent some time in moonlight within the last few days.
Next, you want to get into a comfortable position for meditation, be it in a chair, cross-legged on the floor, or fully reclined in savasana. Whatever position you choose, be sure you can sit comfortably for 12 minutes.
Before you get into your meditation, set a timer for 12 minutes – this way, your timer will alert you to when you are done so you are able to stay in the moment without worrying about the time.
Once you are settled, it’s time to place your chakra stones and healing crystals. If you are not currently wearing a blue stone, now is the time to put it on. If you have two chakra stones, and you are lying down, place them on either side of your neck, close to your chakra’s center. If you are not lying down, simply place them on either side of your body, keeping your hands free.
Finally, begin your meditation by setting an intention related to what you are struggling with as a result of your blocked throat chakra. For example, “I have a voice, and I can clearly articulate my creative ideas.” Focus on this phrase and begin to breathe deeply.
You can practice alternate nostril breathing on your own, but it's a good idea to have a yoga teacher show you how to do it so you can be sure you're doing it right.
Maintain a slow, smooth, and consistent breathing pattern. You can recall where you are in the cycle by focusing on your breath. Throughout the practice, you should be able to breathe easily, including alternating nostril breathing for 5 minutes.
11 Steps to Nostril Breathing
- Sit with your legs crossed in a comfortable position.
- Make a fist with your left hand and place it on your left knee.
- Raise your right hand to the level of your nose.
- Exhale completely, then close your right nostril with your right thumb.
- Inhale deeply from your left nostril, then close it with your fingers.
- Exhale through the right nostril after opening it.
- Inhale deeply via your right nostril, then close it.
- Exhale through the left nostril after opening it.
- This is the end of one cycle.
- Repeat for a total of 5 minutes.
- Always finish with a left-side exhale to complete the practice.

Once you have done this, continue breathing normally for the remainder of the meditation, using your intention to focus your thoughts. You should notice a feeling of clarity and energy and a loosening of the muscles in your jaw and neck. This indicates that you have begun opening and healing your chakra.
Repeat daily, changing up your chakra stones and healing crystals (to get the full benefit from each) until all signs of a blocked throat chakra are alleviated.
How To Maintain An Open Throat Chakra
Maintaining an open throat chakra is done through regular meditation and daily interaction with chakra stones and healing crystals. At a minimum, you should do a throat-chakra-centered meditation once or twice a week. This will help you to keep healing your chakra and maintain openness.