Everything You Need to Know about Healing Your Heart Chakra
The fourth of the seven chakras, the heart chakra, is unique in that it is the exact halfway point of the chakras and the unifier of the physical and spiritual chakras. The heart chakra works as a bridge between the earth and spirit by connecting the lower three chakras — the root, sacral, and solar plexus — with the upper three chakras — the throat, third eye, and crown.
Because of this, healing your chakra is very important. A blocked heart chakra can have a cascading effect on the rest of them. Chakra stones can help facilitate healing your chakra and keeping it open.
What is a Chakra?
Chakra, meaning wheel in Sanskrit, refers to the energy centers in your body. It’s important that these spinning energy discs remain "open" and aligned because they correspond to nerve bundles, key organs, and parts of our energetic body that influence emotional and physical well-being.
Although there are 114 chakras, there are only seven major ones that travel along your spine. These seven are what most of us are talking about when we say chakras.
Each of the seven main chakras has its own number, name, color, and health focus, as well as a unique location along the spine from the sacrum to the crown of the head.
Meet the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra, also known as the anahata chakra in Sanskrit, is placed at the level of the heart in the center of the spine. As a result, the heart chakra serves as a focus of compassion, empathy, love, and forgiveness for the individual. This chakra is responsible for feelings of trust, fearlessness, serenity, generosity, gratitude, and togetherness. It also is linked to change and transformation, healthy boundaries, depth in interpersonal relationships, emotional control, and self-love.
How to Tell if You Have a Blocked Heart Chakra

Heart problems, asthma, and weight problems can all be symptoms of blockages in the heart chakra. However, people's actions often reveal blockages even more clearly.
People with blocked heart chakras frequently put others before themselves, to their harm. It's in the middle of the seven chakras thus it connects our higher and lower chakras, as well as our ability to love and connect with others. Healing your chakra is important because we can feel lonely, insecure, and isolated when it is blocked.
This heart has long been thought to represent the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. Heart chakra imbalance or obstruction is more frequent than you might believe - have you noticed any of these telltale signs?
Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra
- Shyness
- Loneliness
- Depression/Anxiety
- Difficulty forgiving and empathizing
Symptoms of an Overactive Heart Chakra
- Relying on others to fulfill one's needs
- Jealousy
- High expectations of others, severe judgment of others, and a need for others' acceptance
When it comes to the physical, heart chakra imbalance can cause a weakened immune system, heart and lung problems, poor circulation, high/low blood pressure, and respiratory and breathing difficulties.
3 Best Healing Crystals and Chakra Stones to Heal Your Chakra
Chakra stones and healing crystals can be used to unblock the heart chakra and attract love energy.
- Rose Quartz
- Jade
- Green Aventurine
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is regarded as the chakra stone of undying love. It’s claimed to increase feelings of self-love and help people form meaningful connections. Rose quartz has the ability to teach compassion and forgiveness. It also assists those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This healing crystal is ideal for healing your chakra.
Jade has many healing properties, including increasing luck, grounding, and enhancing relationship maturity. Jade is also thought to have therapeutic powers making it an ideal chakra stone for healing your chakra. Green is also thought to offer peace and calmness to tense situations and is the color of the heart chakra, making jade an ideal choice for healing your chakra and keeping it open.
Green Aventurine

The word "aventura" comes from the Italian word "ventura," which means by chance. This is a reference to the chance discovery of aventurine glass in the 18th century. Aventurine is thought to be a chakra stone of prosperity, success, abundance, and good fortune by many people. Heal your chakra with this soothing stone that harmonizes and protects the heart while clearing negativity and energy blockages.
How To Open Your Heart Chakra
- Burn Anahata
- Recite Love Affirmations
- Yoga
- Vibrational Love Energy
- Mantras
1. Burn Anahata to Open the Heart Chakra.
Aromatherapy aids in healing your chakra and the awakening of the capacity to love. Burn rose, lavender, sandalwood, orange, and jasmine-scented essential oils, candles, or incense to open the heart chakra.
2. Recite Love Affirmations Positively
Positive affirmations help you heal by breaking old patterns and redirecting your behavior. Repeat affirmations relating to love and healing, such as "I am open to love," "I forgive myself and others," "I love myself and all human beings," or "I have an open heart," to open the heart chakra. Repeating these affirmations over and over will bring more love and compassion into your life.
3. Do Some Yoga.

The heart chakra can be activated by performing heart-opening yoga poses. Poses like upward-facing dog, camel, and bridge open the heart and drive the chest toward the sky. Have chakra stones at the top edge of your mat for maximum benefit.
4. Use Vibrational Love Energy with Chakra Stones
The heart chakra vibrates in the hues green and pink, and each chakra has its unique frequency and color that can be matched with chakra stones. To unblock the heart chakra and attract love energy, begin healing your chakra by using chakra stones like rose quartz, jade, or green aventurine.
5. Use Mantras to Change Your Energy Toward Love
Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or phrases that, like prayers, help to focus concentration. The heart chakra can be balanced by repeating mantras connected with love. To link your energy with love, take a deep breath and repeat the compassion mantra "om mani padme hum." The mantra can be said vocally or silently, ideally with a healing crystal or chakra stone in each palm.
How to Maintain an Open Chakra
When you’ve finished healing your chakra, you will feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy, as well as linked to the rest of the world. You'll feel open to all life's events and be able to address relationship problems with ease.
An open heart chakra allows us to genuinely connect to ourselves, our loved ones, and the natural world by allowing us to see all of the beauty and love that surrounds us. This chakra also aids in the return of love to ourselves, allowing us to fully love and accept ourselves and our bodies.
Here are 5 easy ways to keep your heart chakra open:
- Practice mindfulness and gratitude.
- Keep a thankfulness diary and write down three things you're grateful for every day.
- Try meditating on love and compassion.
- Keep chakra stones and healing crystals fully charged by moonlight and in proximity.
- Practice affirmations that open the heart.
Chakra energy that is healthy and balanced is essential for our mental and physical well-being. For free-flowing love, compassion, and empathy, our heart center relies on an open heart charka. When you feel trapped, use easy strategies to balance this energy center and open your heart to the love and beauty that is always present.