Healing Your Crown Chakra with Healing Crystals

Healing Your Crown Chakra with Healing Crystals

Ever wondered if there is another reason for why you have headaches and are tired so often? Instead of popping a pill, yet again, let’s explore the crown chakra and how headaches are a sign of it being blocked. From there, we’ll talk about how to open the crown chakra and heal it with chakra stones.

What is a Chakra?

Selenite Palm Stone - Multiple Sizes

Before we dive into the crown chakra, let’s first explore what a chakra is. The word chakra means disc or wheel in Sanskrit, and it relates to your body's energy centers. These spinning energy wheels correspond to specific nerve bundles and main organs.

Your chakras must be open or balanced to function optimally. You may feel physical or emotional symptoms relating to a specific chakra if it becomes blocked. If they do become blocked, that’s okay. There are ways to open and reactivate each of the chakras. Along your spine, there are seven major chakras. They begin at the base of your spine and reach all the way to the crown of your head.


Meet the Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra is connected to our brain, specifically the cerebral cortex, as well as the entire nervous system on a physical level. This crown chakra is our link to the divine consciousness both within and without. It is most famously the seat of intuition and spiritual connection.

The spiritual connection and transformation are the focus of the crown chakra. It uplifts and inspires you, bringing you closer to the spiritual realm. The crown chakra also helps you to recognize your own divinity or the fact that you are a spirit trapped in a human body. It is responsible for thought, and we know that your thoughts dictate your feelings, your feelings dictate your actions, and your actions create your results.

What Color is the Crown Chakra?

A Piece of Amethyst

Violet is the color associated with the crown chakra, and it is the color with the shortest wavelength and the maximum vibration in the visible spectrum of light. This color has a strong spiritual connotation, as it represents a connection to the divine both within and without. Violet chakra stones like amethyst healing crystals will yield a positive connection.

How to Know if Your Healing Chakra is Blocked

It’s important to know what the signs of imbalance in the crown chakra are so you know what to focus on for healing your chakra.

Symptoms of a Blocked Crown Chakra:

  • Existential sadness
  • Narrow mindedness
  • Greed
  • Materialism
  • Extreme egoism

These are all factors that influence happiness and the crown chakra.

Headaches, weariness, and mental sickness are all physical manifestations of a crown chakra imbalance. We use our crown chakra to experience awareness in the form of thoughts such as happiness, grief, love, or hatred.

Healing Your Crown Chakra

Now that you recognize when your crown chakra is blocked, here is what you can expect when your chakra has been healed and is unblocked:

  • Increased clarity and energy
  • Stronger intuition
  • More joy 
Atlas Mountain Jasper Palm Stone

Healing your chakra is most effective when chakra stones and healing crystals are used. Chakra stones are made up of a variety of minerals as opposed to healing crystals, which are made of a singular element. An example of a chakra stone is Jasper, and a healing crystal is Amethyst.  

People are employing healing crystals to balance energies and become more attuned to their bodies and minds. Healing crystals have been used by people for magical and spiritual purposes for thousands of years. An increasing number of people are willing to try the potential advantages of crystals and chakra stones, which are thought to contain vibrational energy that balances your emotional, physical, and spiritual energies.

When you find quiet time, meditate, and enrich your mind, not only are you taking care of your crown chakra, but you are also helping to open it. Specific healing chakra stones can help with the process. 

What are the Benefits of Using Healing Crystals for your Crown Chakra?

Healing crystals come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Some people believe they have mind-, body-, and soul-healing skills. These healing chakra stones were thought to have medicinal properties by many ancient cultures, including Egypt, Greece, and China. Healing stones, according to some, encourage the flow of good energy and aid in the removal of negative energy from the body and mind, resulting in physical and emotional benefits.

The best chakra stones and healing crystals for opening the crown chakra include:


Amethyst geodes or crystals will absorb bad energy and create a peaceful environment in your home. Furthermore, they claim that amethysts aid in the blocking of electromagnetic frequencies and "geopathic stress," which can help unblock and open the crown chakra.


Spiritually, selenite is used for cleansing, healing, good luck, and protection. Many people believe it has a powerful frequency that can clear and open the chakras, and the benefits are strongest with the crown chakra.

White Agate

Banded Agate Egg

White agate purifies and balances the aura, removing and converting negative energy. Agate improves mental performance by enhancing attention, perception, and analytical skills. It soothes and relaxes, releasing inner anger or stress (which have been known to cause headaches) while also providing a sense of comfort and safety. Using this stone to unblock your crown chakra will yield optimal results.

How to Open the Crown Chakra

Mindfulness is at the core of taking care of your crown chakra.

What this means is that in order to heal your chakra, you need to:

  • Find some peace and quiet
  • Meditate
  • Bring chakra stones into your space
  • Enrich your mind through books/podcasts

Constant noise and busyness do not facilitate the use and/or opening of the crown chakra. “If you don’t have time to meditate for 10 minutes, you need to meditate for an hour.” – Zen proverb.

Healing your chakra may take some time, so the best way to open your chakra and to ensure that it continues to be open and activated is to meditate daily, holding a healing crystal or chakra stone in each palm.

What’s the big takeaway?

If you take nothing away from this blog except one thing, take this: an open crown chakra is the best and easiest way to live a happy and headache-free life. And remember that blockages are common, so meditate daily with healing crystals for optimal results.

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