Chrysoprase Healing Crystals for Love and Sex
If you are new to the wonderful world of healing crystals, you might not be familiar with one of our long-standing favorite healing crystals. Our chrysoprase crystals hail all the way from Madagascar, and they bring joy and happiness with them.
The connection between the heart and the libido can often be overlooked, but typically if one is suffering, so is the other. Healthy relationships with yourself and others require caring for your heart, body, and mind as a whole. All of our seven chakras work together to create a completely well-adjusted human. The chrysoprase healing crystal activates and recharges both the heart and sacral chakras.
What is Chrysoprase?
Chrysoprase is of Greek origin, with the first part of the word "chrysos," meaning gold, and "prasinon,'' meaning green. When thinking of healing crystals or gemstones in shades of green, most people think of emeralds. However, unlike emeralds, chrysoprase crystals obtains its green coloring from trace amounts of nickel.
Chrysoprase is a beautiful apple-green color. Unlike most healing crystals that come in a variety of colors, the chrysoprase is recognized for its signature green complexion. It is most often found in a smooth egg form.
Written references to chrysoprase date back to biblical times. In Revelation 21:20, chrysoprase is listed as the tenth gemstone used in the formation of the foundation of the new Jerusalem built by God. This is especially significant considering Jerusalem is considered our world's historical and religious epicenter. It is a holy city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.
Where Can You Find Chrysoprase?
- Australia
- Brazil
- Madagascar
- Poland
- Russia
- South Africa
- Tanzania
What Chakra is the Healing Crystal Chrysoprase Associated With?

With a chrysoprase healing crystal, you get the benefits of unlocking and activating two individual chakras. These two chakras cover separate parts of our mind and body but have characteristics that allow them to work beautifully together.
- Heart Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
Chrysoprase and the Heart Chakra
At the heart level, the heart chakra is the center for compassion, love, and forgiveness in the middle of our spine. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is referred to as "Anahata," which translates to "unhurt ." This definition could not be more perfect to describe the healing goals of the chrysoprase healing crystal.
5 Signs Your Heart Chakra is Blocked
- Dwelling on the Past
- Holding Grudges
- Loneliness
- Depression
- Anxiety
Chrysoprase healing crystals work to actively bring empathy into our lives and activate our ability to forgive. Forgiveness is easily one of the most challenging emotions to conjure, typically out of the need for self-preservation. However, true forgiveness is power and strength. Releasing the power that another holds over you is the epitome of freedom.
Chrysoprase is most notable for its ability to provide comfort and aid to those who rely on healing crystals and are suffering from depression or anxiety. In addition, it increases our ability to love and show compassion for ourselves and others. It simultaneously allows us to free ourselves of the burden of holding onto grudges, learning to forgive and move forward, leaving hate and fear behind.
Chrysoprase and the Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is located in the center of our bellies, below our naval, on the lumbar spine in our backs. The sacral chakra works hand-in-hand with the heart chakra in governing our emotions, well-being, fears, and, more specifically, our ability to experience empathy.
5 Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked
- Anxiety
- Detachment
- Low Libido
- Loneliness
- Lack of Creativity
Our sacral chakra is linked to our sex organs. It promotes and encourages fidelity in the bedroom and the office. Chrysoprase healing crystals work to open both our heart and sacral chakra to encourage growth in our personal relationships. It provides the strength to leave behind codependent behaviors while developing creativity and confidence to grow faith in ourselves.
Chrysoprase is identified as one of the most powerful healing crystals in regard to detoxifying our bodies. It is said to stimulate the liver to encourage the flushing of toxins. Many people use chrysoprase as a sleep aid to promote relaxation, a restful night, and the prevention of nightmares. In addition, Chrysoprase is excellent for speeding up the recovery of wounds of the body, mind, and heart.
How To Use Chrysoprase for A Quick Recovery
- Place under pillow for sleep assistance
- Place directly on affected area during meditation
- Wear as jewelry for overall calmness and clarity
Chrysoprase Improves Sex Drive
As we know, chrysoprase crystal actively works with our sacral chakra, which is linked to our sex organs. The invisible string tying chrysoprase to both our sex organs and our heart chakra enables it to be the ideal healing crystal for solving matters of the heart and libido.
By balancing hormones while concurrently treating our lungs, kidneys, and digestive system, chrysoprase is constantly working on setting our bodies up for success. While we can't always guarantee that we will be in the mood, the first step will always involve feeling confident about ourselves.
Confidence is not found in the mirror. It is found inside. How we view and talk to ourselves, the burdens we release or hold on to, and the toxins within all play pivotal roles in our self-worth and our ability to feel we deserve love. Keeping chrysoprase crystals nearby in our home, office, or on our person ensures we have the aura of love, light, and sensuality in our grasp at all times.
Chrysoprase Healing Crystals
The chrysoprase healing crystal detoxifies both the body and mind. It creates health from the inside out to allow us to flourish in our personal lives. Whether you are struggling with self-love, interpersonal relationships, or sexual relationships, this is the healing crystal to calm and focus your body and mind.
The beautiful, glossy finish of chrysoprase makes them the ideal home decor gift for those you love. It is perfect for when you care about someone and want them to continue to grow as a person or if you are engaged in a stressful relationship that you desperately want to heal. Keep chrysoprase nearby yourself and the people you care about.