The Most Powerful Healing Crystals
Do you feel drawn to healing crystals but don’t know where to begin? Maybe it’s their natural beauty that pulls you in, or perhaps it’s their natural energetic field calling to your own.
What is an Aura?
Everything on the earth has an aura. An aura is the energy field that surrounds the person or object itself. Scientifically, an aura is an electromagnetic field given off by the atoms that comprise every person, place, and thing. Spiritually and metaphysically, auras are made up of seven energetic layers that relate to a person’s physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
Have you ever met a person and instantly felt drawn to them? Or maybe conversely, you didn’t get along right off the bat, but for no particular reason. Your aura “vibes” or vibrational frequencies likely were very compatible or not, respectively.
These vibes apply to objects, not just people, and healing crystals work with these energy fields to bring about measurable changes in some individuals. It’s important to note that there have not been many scientific studies done on healing crystals. Many strictly science-minded folks believe that the power of crystals comes from one’s own mind, not the healing crystals themselves.
Crystal Types and Their Uses
Wherever the root of the power truly comes from, your mind, or the healing crystal’s energy, people credit massive, positive life changes to crystals.
Quartz: The Master Healer
Quartz is a compound made from silicon dioxide, or two parts oxygen and one part silicon. It is naturally very hard and occurs in virtually every color. For these reasons, quartz has many practical uses, including glass making and gemstones. It is the mineral most abundantly found in the earth’s surface and occurs in many varieties. Quartz is known as the master healing crystal, and many people believe that it's the most powerful crystal because it’s so abundantly available. The earth, the universe, God, or whatever you chose to call the source from which all things come, wants to help you. Quartz varieties are widely available and accessible for you.
Like other minerals found in many varieties, different varieties of quartz have different healing qualities, and learning about the differences can help you choose the best quartz for you:
Using Clear Quartz
Quartz most commonly occurs in hexagonal prism shapes, with natural facets on one or both sides, and clear in color. Many people believe that clear quartz healing crystals work to:
- Amplify energy and emotions
- Enhance spiritual growth and awareness
- Increase creativity
- Help you focus
- Help harmonize energies between people
- Cleanse the physical body and balance emotions
- Access deep memories
- Support your Immune system
- Protect against negative energies
- Cleanse and purify other crystals
Chakras and Signs: Clear quartz will resonate with all chakras and astrological signs. Try tucking it under your pillow, carrying it in your pocket, or placing it in a sunny window.
Try meditating with clear quartz and this mantra: “My head is clear, and I am energized. I am cleansed.” Give clear quartz as a gift to a loved one who is new to crystals and whom you think could benefit from healing crystals.
Smokey Quartz Uses
Smokey quartz has all the healing power of generic quartz and is especially known for the ability to:
- Ground your thought
- Detoxify your mind and body while it neutralizes negative energies
- Protect against smog
- Push away fear, depression, and suicidal ideology
- Protect against nightmares
- Calm your nerves and clear your mind
- Relieve muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, and headaches
Chakras and Signs: Smokey quartz resonates with Base and Solar Plexus Chakras, and Scorpios, Sagittarius, and Capricorns.
Try meditating with smokey quartz and this mantra: “I am right here. I am protected. I am worthy.”
Give smokey quartz as a gift to a loved one who suffers from depression, or perhaps someone with a big presentation coming up.
Rose Quartz Variety
Rose quartz has become increasingly popular and trendy as of late, but there is a good reason for rose quartz’s appeal. Rose quartz is a pink variety of quartz, which might initially draw people to it, but many people believe rose quartz
- Encourages love without condition
- Restores harmony and trust between lovers
- Opens the heart to receive love from one’s self, and others
- Promotes deep inner healing and peace
- Provides strength to get through grief, and encourages forgiveness
- Promotes self- trust
Try meditating with rose quartz and this mantra: “I honor other humans, but not before honoring myself. I am love.”
Give rose quartz as a gift to a loved one who is grieving, who is searching for unconditional love in a partner, or who needs to connect and love themself before loving another.
Agate Healing Properties
Agate is a bit different than the other varieties of quartz in that it is a variety of chalcedony. Chalcedony is a microcrystalline form of quartz. It occurs in several different forms, including agate, jasper, and onyx, most of which are healing crystals. When agate forms, it forms in such a way that bands naturally occur in brown, red, white, yellow, black, or pink coloring. Healing agate crystals can:
- Rebalance your heart, mind, and spirit
- Cleanse your aura
- Transform negative energy
- Improve concentration
- Heal inner anger and tension
- Heal the eyes, stomach, and uterus
Chakras and Signs: Agate resonates well with Geminis and Virgos, and cleanses the aura. Different varieties of agate will help with different Chakras.
Try meditating with agate and this mantra: “Everything I need is already inside of me.”
Give agate to a loved one who suffers from stomach aches and pains, or someone who could benefit from a release of anger.
Amethyst as a Healing Crystal
Amethyst is a healing crystal that is so beautiful, it’s considered a precious gem. Amethyst is a variety of quartz that occurs in all shades of purple. Amethyst has the power to:
- Protect against mental and psychic attacks
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Sooth your moods
- Dispel rage, sadness, and fear
- Open your mind to spiritual awareness
- Encourage sobriety
- Enhance memories and motivation
- Promote deep, restful sleep and remembering dreams
Try meditating with amethyst and this mantra: “My mind is powerful and protected. I am in control of my moods.”
Give amethyst to a loved one who is fighting addiction, struggles with anxiety, or has trouble sleeping.
Healing with Carnelian
Carnelian, like agate, is a variety of chalcedony. Carnelian is also a gemstone, and it represents the 17th anniversary. Many people believe that carnelian can:
- Stabilize emotions
- Bring on motivation and vitality
- Give you courage and lead you to the right decisions
- Help you overcome abuse and learn to trust yourself again
- Guide you to break out of negative thought patterns and habits
- Sharpen the mind
- Protect from envy and other negative emotions
Chakras and Signs: Carnelian connects with Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo signs, and the Base and Sacral Chakras.
Try meditating with carnelian and this mantra: “I can trust my heart. My intuition is my guide.”
Gift carnelian to someone celebrating a 17th anniversary, or someone who is trying to escape an abusive situation.
Benefits of Jasper
Jasper is yet another variety of chalcedony and appears in many different varieties. Different types of jasper have additional healing properties on top of the general healing that jasper provides. Jasper has the healing power to:
- Relax you and ease your stress, jasper is thought of as the “supreme nurturer”
- Provide protection and dissolve negative energy
- Purify pollution
- Help you be honest with yourself
- Balance yin and yang energies
- Increase your wit, and give you the courage to assert yourself
Chakras and Signs: Jasper connects especially well with Virgo, Leo, and Scorpio zodiac signs. It heals all Chakras, and different varieties of jasper can help with specific Chakras.
Try this mantra when you meditate with jasper: “I have the strength and abilities to overcome any situation that comes my way.”
Gift jasper to a loved one that would benefit from some extra nurturing or has trouble asserting themselves.
How to Cleanse Healing Crystals and Set Intentions
Part of the magic of healing crystals is that they absorb negative energies from you and your environment. That means that over time, your healing crystals will become dense with negative energy and need to be cleansed. Cleansing your crystals is easy and something you can do at home as often as you like. There are many methods to cleanse your healing crystals.
- The sun - place your healing crystals in the sun for a few hours, but be careful as some crystals will fade in the sunshine.
- The moon - during a new moon or a full moon place your stones where they can be cleansed by the moon.
- The earth - place your healing crystals directly on the ground and allow the earth to absorb the energy.
- Sea salt - place your stones in a bowl of sea salt, or in a glass bowl inside of another bowl filled with sea salt.
You also have the ability to “program” your healing crystals. The process is simple; all you need is to formulate a clear intention, then:
- Choose a healing crystal that matches closely with your intention.
- Cleanse your healing crystal using one of the methods listed above.
- Sit quietly with your healing crystal held softly in your palm. Bring your intention into your mind. If you feel moved to do so, state your intention out loud. Continue to do so for several minutes until you feel the process is complete. Trust your intuition here. There is no right or wrong way to program your healing crystals.
Are Polished Healing Crystals Less Effective?
Raw healing crystals are those that have not been retouched or manipulated in any way. Raw is the way you would find a healing crystal if you happened across it on your own.
Polished healing crystals are tumbled until the outer surface is smooth and shiny.
It is personal preference which type of rock you prefer the appearance of, and the short answer is no; polishing a healing crystal does not affect the energy or power of the stones. Some people feel that raw stones are better, and others enjoy the look and feel of polished healing crystals in their palms or on their skin.
How to Meditate with Healing Crystals
There are a million different ways to meditate, and there are just as many ways to meditate with healing crystals. The way you chose to meditate is deeply personal, and there is no wrong or right way to do it. The most straightforward place to begin is by holding the stones in your hand or placing them on your Chakras.
- Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath without trying to change it.
- If your mind drifts, simply notice the distraction and bring your attention
- Gradually shift your focus to your healing crystal. Feel the weight of the stone on your skin. Imagine the color of its energy radiating from the stone. Imagine the color flooding your entire body. Bring to mind your mantra and focus on it.
- Stay with your mantra as long as you choose. If you drift to sleep, no worries. You will still benefit from meditation with the healing crystal.
Healing crystals are a powerful tool to help you unlock the power of your own mind. Whether you have already begun exploring meditation and spirituality or are just beginning, healing crystals are a great place to start. When choosing a stone, trust yourself to pick the one that calls to you. Allow your energy and a crystal’s energy to interact and know that there is no right or wrong answer. Any of the varieties of quartz, the master healer, are the perfect starter stones.
Healing crystals make a wonderfully thoughtful gift to a loved one, regardless of whether or not they believe in their powers. They make beautiful decorations and adornments in any home. Whaler’s Locker has a wide selection of beautiful raw and polished stones for all intents and purposes, and we guarantee the authenticity of our healing stones!