Our Top 10 Must-Have Crystals for Love
Ah, love. The word with the power to fill our hearts with a warm fuzzy feeling or…an overwhelming sense of dread. Whether your experience with love has been marvelous enough to make even Cupid jealous or rough enough to make the show Couple’s Therapy look like a dream, everyone could use a little assistance when it comes to the love department. Loving yourself, finding a relationship, and then being in said relationship is all a lot of work! Crystals for love and chakra stones can help you get on the right track to having blissful relationships.
Healing Crystals for Self-Love
We don’t care how cheesy it sounds; the first step to loving others is loving yourself! It’s easy to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that you forget to make time for the most important person in your life: you. However, you can’t be your most giving, affectionate, and loving self unless you feel that way on the inside, too. If you find yourself being your own number one hater, you need to reassess. Crystals for love can help you find true love and appreciation for yourself.
Lapis Lazuli to Replace Negativity
We’re all guilty of speaking to ourselves in a way we’d probably never speak to others. That little voice inside your head is such a meanie sometimes! Get all the negativity out of your mind with this healing crystal. It helps you become aware of yourself and your feelings. This crystal will help you find the source of your negative thoughts and replace them with happy ones. Nothing a few positive affirmations can’t fix!
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful chakra stone, especially for the third eye chakra. When you balance your third eye, you experience a whole new level of clarity and intuition. The clear-headedness the chakra stone brings will make you realize how insignificant those meltdowns over your jeans size, an awkward email you sent, and that time lipstick got on your teeth really were. We’re so hard on ourselves over the silliest things! Stick some Lapis Lazuli healing crystals in your back pocket; your insecurities will be no match for its fierce power.
Green Fluorite to Open Your Heart Chakra
For many of us, eating a gallon of ice cream and binging our favorite show on Netflix is our preferred method of emotional healing. As much as we wish another marathon of The Office could cure heartbreak, it requires a little more TLC than that. A green fluorite healing crystal will help you think through your emotions and deal with them rather than pushing them to the back of your mind. Even though it’s tempting to do, ignoring your feelings will just make them harder to deal with later on.
You’re having the worst week ever and they accidentally mess up your order at McDonald’s. Boom! Instant meltdown. When your mind and heart are overflowing, the littlest things can seem like the end of the world. Once you sorted through all those pent-up emotions and work with this crystal for love, you’ll be overflowing with love for yourself instead.
This green fluorite chakra stone opens up your heart chakra, healing any heartbreak you’ve experienced. An open and balanced heart chakra will bring lots to your life, like:
- a deep love for self and others
- emotional fulfillment
- healthy personal boundaries
- meaningful relationships
A balanced heart chakra will have you operating from a place of only love, compassion, and forgiveness, no room for bad vibes or low self-esteem!
Selenite Healing Crystals for Peace
Purity, peace, and self-love are in your future with this healing crystal! When your feelings are cloudy and you can’t give yourself the love you need, selenite will bring you to a state of positivity and light. Want to meditate but can’t get your mind to stop wandering to this week’s dinner menu? Hold selenite chakra stones while you meditate; this crystal for love will clear your mind. Your only concern will be breathing in and out.
Everyone needs to be in touch with their divine feminine energy (men, you too!). It’s an energy that has always been within us, and it balances with divine masculine energy. Awakening this energy will make you feel more patient, intuitive, and expressive. This crystal for love doesn’t stop there! It’s a super powerful crown chakra stone. Your crown is the most spiritual of all the seven chakras. Awakening your crown chakra brings you into such a Zen state,you’ll feel like the next Buddha. Well, not quite, but definitely close!
Our selenite heart crystals for love can go in any room of your home for an instant feeling of self-love. If you’re traveling, you can throw it in your car, purse, back pocket, or wherever you need to keep the healing crystal’s positive energy radiating through you. Check out our super cute tiny selenite hearts for on the go use. If you want your chakra stone to be so big you can practically feel its energy radiating to your crown chakra, we’ve got large ones, too!
Crystals for Attracting Love
Now that you’ve got the whole loving yourself part down, you’re ready to find the Jay-Z to your Beyonce. However, the reality of dating isn’t as much like The Notebook as you’d imagined when you were younger. Crystals for love can help you find your perfect partner without the anxiety that finding a new person can bring.
Manifest Love with Apatite
Like Ariana Grande says, “I want it, I got it!” You can embody her energy and manifest anything into your life, including your dream bae. Apatite healing crystal is known for being the stone of manifestation. Manifesting is attracting something into your life by embodying an emotion, situation, or feeling. Grab a journal (or scrap paper will do the trick), a pen, and your apatite crystal for love, and write down all the qualities you wish to have in a partner. Businesswoman, guitar player, firefighter? It’s up to you!
This crystal for love also gives you a positive and hopeful attitude. It eases sadness and anger, which helps you open up to new people. Balancing the throat and third eye chakras, this chakra stone aligns your energy and brings you to a vibration that only allows love. You will feel unconditional love for yourself and others with apatite healing crystals around you.
Spark a New Relationship with Rose Quartz
Roses are the ultimate sign of love. Take a look around any store near Valentine’s Day; there are rose-themed things everywhere. You can use the rose quartz healing crystal to attract love into your life or strengthen an existing relationship. This crystal for love is a powerful aphrodisiac; it’ll bring the spark to any new relationship or bring it back to an old one!
Not only can it spice up your life, but you can also use this healing crystal to calm you down. It’s reassuring, and you’ll feel safe when its energy surrounds you. Any past traumas will be left behind, and all we have to say is good riddance! Your heart will always be protected when you have rose quartz crystal for love.
This chakra stone is the most influential stone for your heart chakra. It will teach you the true essence of love; no more expectations based on the guys in The Bachelor. With this chakra stone balancing your heart chakra, you will feel:
- balanced
- secure
- accepting
If all those reasons aren’t enough for you to be sprinting to find some rose quartz, our quartz heart crystals for love are absolutely adorable. Not only do they bring in loving energy, but the healing crystals make a perfect decoration for every room.
Jasper for Empowerment
Being in love can feel super scary sometimes, and the red jasper crystal for love might be able to help. This healing crystal empowers you and gives you the courage to overcome any feelings of trauma leftover from the past. Once you’ve moved on from the past, you’ll find there are tons of new people waiting to find you!
This base chakra stone helps you feel connected to the world around you. With so much going on in your head all the time, it’s hard to remember to stop and smell the roses. Meditate or do yoga with the red jasper crystal for love and feel your physical body begin to stabilize and energize. When you feel more connected to the physical world, you’ll appreciate those around you and attract more love and positivity into your life.
Inspire Confidence with Carnelian
Love is all about joy! Embrace that feeling with this gorgeous orange healing crystal. Are you so non-confrontational that even trying to tell the waiter your order is wrong, let alone arguing with a significant other, sounds like your worst nightmare? This crystal for love will give you the courage to stick up for yourself in tough situations. When you’re empowered enough to speak your mind, you’ll only attract people who want to hear what you have to say. With carnelian chakra stones close by, you’ll have a newfound love of life. It stimulates sexuality and inspires confidence.
This powerful chakra stone can help you balance your sacral chakra. With a balanced sacral chakra, you’ll be feeling:
- energetic
- emotionally connected
- compassionate
- joyful
Use the carnelian crystal for love to connect to your inner self and soul. You’ll find yourself making more positive life choices that will help you grow on your own and in relationships. We’ll just let your future boyfriend/girlfriend know that you and your healing crystals are ready for them.
Crystals for Toxic Relationships
Along with all the warmth and fuzzies that come with love, some not-so-sweet feelings come as well. Even with all the healing crystals in the world, sometimes you can find a partner that’s definitely not a keeper. But when that happens, your crystals for love will be right there to heal and assist wherever they can. Banish the negative energy of the toxic person in your life once and for all with chakra stones.
Black Tourmaline to Resist Toxic Energy
When you have negative energies around you, you absolutely need this healing crystal. It removes unwelcome entities. Hear that, toxic BF? Get out! It cleanses you and the space around you, so there’s no room for bad vibes. If your toxic significant other just can’t seem to take the hint, this healing crystal will protect you from their invasiveness. With black tourmaline chakra stones around, that toxic energy has no room to thrive.
If you’re a highly empathetic person and feel super affected by those around you, black tourmaline crystals for love are about to be your new BFF. Empaths absorb the energy of the people around them, leaving them feeling emotionally drained super easily. If this sounds like you, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of wanting to take a nap after every outing in a public space. Black tourmaline healing crystals will prevent other people’s energy from invading your space. It’s amazing to feel empathy for others but still put yourself first!
This root chakra stone connects you to the Earth so its energy can protect you. It clears and transforms anything of a low vibration, leaving you feeling full of love and light regardless of how crappy that breakup was. This crystal for love energizes your mind, body, and soul, so any toxic energy-sucking people in your life can step aside.
Calming Smoky Quartz
When you’re in a toxic relationship, “calm” is probably the last word on your vocabulary. This healing crystal can bring back feelings of sanity and relaxation after lots of tension. Once your energy is clear and your mind is calm, you’ll realize you deserve so much better than the situation you’re currently facing. The chakra stone calms fear, so any anxiety you’re experiencing over the problem will fade. With the smoky quartz crystal for love around you, you’ll feel proud of yourself and who you are, no matter what anyone says or does.
This chakra stone connects you to your base and solar plexus chakra. With balanced chakras and such aligned energy, you won’t even be able to hear your ex texting you over, and over, and over. The smoky quartz healing crystal will surround you with light rather than darkness.
Other benefits of owning smoky quartz are:
- serenity
- strong intuition
- practicality
- positive thinking
Get ready to feel radiant and joyful 24/7! Even if someone tries to drag you down, smoky quartz chakra stones will be your saving grace.
With so many healing crystals to choose from, where will you start? Start your shopping list and check out our gorgeous collection of crystals for love. We guarantee you’ll be thanking us later once these chakra stones have done an entire 360 on your love life.