Scrimshaw Art: A History Lesson for Art Collectors
For those who want to get nautical, scrimshaw is an appreciated art form that celebrates art for function and beauty, endurance, and mystique. A collection of scrimshaw art goes beyond a beautiful addition to your home décor; it is a nod to the American whaler – the sailors who worked in an industry that created wealth and security for many Americans from the 1800s through today.
9 Interesting Facts to Get to Know the Mako Shark
The mako shark is a large shark found in warm, temperate waters around the world. Smaller than its distant cousins, the Megalodon and the Great White, the mako shark holds its own as a top predator in the modern world food chain. Sleek, agile, and surprisingly cunning, the mako shark can certainly hold its own.
Low on Energy? These 5 Healing Crystals Can Help!
You can use your crystals to gain energy in a number of ways. But first, your crystals need to be cleansed and fully charged. There are several ways to cleanse and recharge your crystals, including placing them outside or on a windowsill and more.