Polished Rose Quartz Palm Stone

Top 7 Stones to Start Your Healing Journey

Work, relationships, adulting… ugh, life. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the struggles of day-to-day existence that we miss out on the beautiful energy all around us. If you're having a hard time getting past a dark cloud or lack of motivation, chakra stones could be a productive way to start your healing journey. With our list of unique gems, you'll be living your best life in no time!

Why Do You Need Healing Stones?

You've probably seen tons of celebrity Instagram feeds and picturesque Pinterest boards covered with collections of stunning crystals. So, what's all the fuss about? Not only are chakra stones a beautiful decoration or jewelry accent, but they can also help heal all parts of your life. They promote balance in all areas of life, including:

different types of healing stones on a table
  • mentally
  • physically
  • spiritually

When you bring healing stones into your life, you will feel connected to yourself and the world around you. 

In addition to linking you with the physical world, chakra stones can also open up your spiritual side and activate your chakras. When your seven chakras are balanced and in line, you will have heightened awareness of your mind, body, and spirit. Once all your chakras are opened, they will even out your energy, and you will feel content. You will feel present in every moment and be able to enjoy the little things in life. Healing will be a much easier process with your chakra stones by your side. If you want to know more about chakras and how to pick the suitable stone for each one, check out this post.

Top Seven Stones to Start Your Healing Journey

If you're starting your healing journey with a trip to the crystal shop, the vast array of options might seem overwhelming. There is an abundance of different stones to choose from; so how do you know which ones to pick? Crystals, like fossils, have been found for thousands of years, so it's unclear exactly how long they've existed on Earth. Each healing stone has unique and specialized properties to help with different areas of your life, and you can cater your collection to best fit the situation at hand. Once you know all about some of our favorites and their remarkable properties, crystal shopping will be a breeze.

The top seven healing stones are:

  1. rose quartz
  2. carnelian
  3. Navajun pyrite
  4. smoky quartz
  5. amethyst
  6. banded agate
  7. Selenite 

1. Rose Quartz

    Person holding rose quartz in their hand

    When your life is lacking in the love department, you might need some rose quartz. We don't just mean a new boo, though. Rose quartz can also help bring love into your current relationships with friends and family, and most importantly, yourself. It's known as the stone of universal love. This magnificent healing stone can help restore your trust and harmony in relationships if they've been damaged in the past.

    With rose quartz in your collection, your heart will be purified, open, and accepting of love, friendship, inner healing, and peace. Since it promotes a loving relationship with yourself, this chakra stone can help you recognize your self-worth and have complete faith and trust in all the decisions you make.

    The loving energy of rose quartz is incredible for bringing comfort during life's challenging times. Many people use it to heal the heart from trauma or pain left from deep emotional wounds.

    If you are grieving, the chakra stone will help you move forward with love and patience for yourself. Any negative energy invading your space won't be able to withstand the strength of rose quartz. As it guides you through the process of your healing journey, it will encourage acceptance and help you forgive people who might have hurt you in the past. Rose quartz is the perfect healing stone for you if you're going through a rough breakup or time of grief.

    You can find some lovely rose quartz crystals that are polished on Whaler's Locker.

    2. Carnelian

      Carnelian pebbles

      Are you feeling called to harness your personal power? Or maybe your creative spark is calling for you to ignite it? Carnelian is the best chakra stone for vitality, motivation, and tackling your creative endeavors head-on. If you've been feeling apathetic and struggling to find inspiration, it will encourage your individuality so you can find your passion.

      When this healing stone is by your side, you will have no problem trusting yourself and your perception since it promotes self-esteem. It will bring you a burst of energy to take action and get started on the projects you've wanted to do for ages. You'll be able to concentrate on work, as well as get in tune with your artistic side and paint, dance, sing, write, or express your creativity in whatever way feels good to you. Feeling inclined to whip out your art supplies or have a private dance party? Pick up a stunning carnelian egg to keep the inventive energy flowing.

      Carnelian encourages you to embrace your inner child and heal that side of yourself. Over time, you will feel much happier with carnelian's energy in your space.

      It will calm your anger and banish any unwanted feelings of envy, rage, or resentment. Instead, harsh vibes will be replaced with love and positivity. You can even use carnelian to help regulate your physical health. Of course, using healing stones isn't the same as going to the doctor, but they have been known throughout history to improve well-being and encourage a healthy life. It is known to regulate the kidneys, as well as heal broken or damaged bones and ligaments.

      3. Navajun Pyrite

        Navajun Pyrite Crystal in Matrix

        If you've wanted to manifest some more money or work opportunities, Navajun pyrite is the chakra stone for you. Since it's known for bringing good luck, Navajun pyrite will help you remain prosperous through all your endeavors. It will also relieve your anxiety and help you identify the cause of your stress so you can rid your space of negative energy. You will feel entirely optimistic and capable of anything you set your mind to when you have this gem.

        This chakra stone can even help you channel your psychic abilities and tap into your spiritual energy. It will always protect you and shield you from all forms of negativity.

        Students or anyone attempting to master a new concept or skill would reap the benefits of Navajun pyrite. It assists with perception and understanding, so it will make your learning process more beneficial.

        This chakra stone encourages mental stability and stamina so you can get as much work done as possible without burning yourself out. Acing quizzes and tests will be a lot easier since it helps enhance your memory. If you add Navajun pyrite to your gem collection, next time you take a test, you won't even feel the need to stay up all night studying the night before. You'll be able to memorize concepts faster and recall important information when you need it.   

        You can pick up a small Navajun pyrite crystal with a matrix on our site if the stone is calling your name. 

        4. Smoky Quartz

          Smoky Quartz earrings hanging over seashell

          Struggling with fear and anxiety is all-too-common for many of us. Let smoky quartz guide you out of the darkness with its stabilizing energy. It will dispel fear by gently neutralizing the negative vibrations in your environment. This chakra stone will bring you emotional calmness and get you past feelings of sadness, fright, and stress.

          Smoky quartz will help you take positive action with pride. While connecting you with your root and solar plexus chakra, this crystal enables you to feel in tune with the physical and spiritual world around you. The chakra stone is mighty for the Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn zodiac signs.

          Smoky quartz doesn't stop at healing your mental and emotional state; it has tons of benefits for the body. This stone offers protection against radiation and electromagnetic smog in the air that can be harmful to people. Ladies, if you get killer cramps during that time of the month, the chakra stone will help soothe them. It can naturally relieve headaches, as well. Smoky quartz may be able to fortify your nerves and make your back stronger.

          To reap the health benefits of this healing stone, check out our palm stones.

          5. Amethyst

            Amethyst Pendant

            With the constant pressure of school, work, relationships, and all of life's other stressors, it can be hard to catch a break! Find a way to relax and heal with the ultimate healing stone of peace; amethyst. This pretty purple gem brings overwhelmed and overworked people back to the center. It will relieve you of stress and strain after a long day.

            You will get an incredible night's sleep with amethyst on your nightstand or under your pillow. Plus, it can help you remember your dreams and understand them when you wake up. When you are experiencing sadness and grief, the chakra stone will dissolve the negativity around you. It can also help ease anger and irritability issues.

            Are you trying to access your third eye and crown chakra? You're in luck! Amethyst is terrific for expanding spiritual knowledge and awareness. It will enact a positive transformation in your journey and allow you to live as your best self.

            The best way to reap the benefits of this chakra stone is to meditate with it. Suppose you're new to meditation, no worries. You can find tons of guided meditations and playlists of meditation music online to help you get started. Once you've found the perfect guide, get into a comfortable and safe space where you can fully relax. You can hold the healing stone in your hand or place it near your body during the mediation.

            To fully connect to your third eye and crown chakra, you can place a smaller amethyst gem on those specific areas of your face. Be patient and loving while meditating with the amethyst quartz heart from Whaler's Locker.

            6. Banded Agate

              Everyone has a little bit of anger inside them, are we right? Heal your irate and hostile side with some banded agate. This chakra stone has been known throughout history to heal your inner spirit and calm anxiety. You will be able to accept the current circumstances of your situation without resentment. It will stabilize the aura and balance the mind, body, and spirit with love.

              pink Banded Agate

              Owning banded agate will also attract abundance into your life. It brings good luck and wealth to those who possess it. You can count on banded agate to assist when you're at school or work since it aids in concentration. If you've been in a slump, this healing stone will give you a burst of energy by encouraging a good night's sleep.

              You can count on banded agate to assist in your spiritual healing journey. The healing stone works to clear all seven chakras and keep them balanced. When you possess agate, you can tap deep into your intuition and find a sense of knowledge. You will be able to start looking inwards for answers rather than to external forces. With balanced chakras and cleansed energy, you will be more open and encouraged to spend time enjoying nature.

              This chakra stone is mighty for Geminis. Keep your chakras in line with our polished banded agate stones.

              7. Selenite

                person holding Selenite stone with ocean in background

                Selenite is essential for anyone who's just starting on a healing journey with crystals. It is the ultimate cleansing stone and can even cleanse and charge your other crystals. Plus, you don't have to worry about purifying its energy since it is self-cleansing. This high vibrational healing stone is perfect for any environment since it will cleanse any space it inhabits. If you bring it to your workspace, it will help foster team spirit and cooperation.

                When you keep this crystal at home or on your person, it will invite a sense of calm and allow you to focus when you need to. Not to mention, the selenite chakra stone can help you grow an incredible feeling of flexibility. Bring it with you the next time you take a yoga class!

                Selenite is attributed to peace in the metaphysical realm and color theory, so it's no wonder it can be so helpful at accessing our spiritual sides. It can evoke protection from the angelic realm and dispel negative energy trying to enter your sacred space.

                When you use this chakra stone during meditation, you can access your third eye and crown chakras in addition to your spirit guides and Higher Self. It opens spiritual channels that will invite new energy into your space. You can find a large or tiny selenite hearts on Whaler's Locker.

                How to Use Your Chakra Stones

                Now that you're probably racing to add all of these incredible gems to your shopping cart, you need to know how to use them for healing in your own life. Everyone and their routine are different, so you can experiment and find something that works for you.

                Our favorite ways to use healing stones are:

                • decoration at home
                • meditation
                • cleansing energy and space
                • carrying them
                healing stones and necklaces in a dish

                Crystals are gorgeous, so we totally understand the appeal of adorning your home with them. Keeping chakra stones in your safe space will not only keep it looking stylish but also allow you to surround yourself with the purest and most optimistic energy possible. As mentioned before, crystals are incredible for meditating.

                You can hold the healing stone on a specific part of your body or keep it near you during your practice to feel entirely relaxed and in tune with your spiritual side. To cleanse your energy with the crystal, set an intention and simply allow it to work its magic. Carrying the healing stones is a great way to cleanse your energy and space at all times.

                We hope these healing stones help you get started on your journey of healing. Once you curate your own personalized list of chakra stones, you'll be on the road to living a happy and balanced life. Chakra stones are your head start, but the full potential to heal lies within you and your incredible strength.

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