Protection Crystals

Between self-care, relationships, work, and keeping everything in line at home, your energy might feel pretty chaotic. Protection crystals can help not only protect the most critical parts of your life, but also allow them to prosper. If you’re interested in harnessing your personal power so you can thrive in all aspects of life, keep on reading.


History of Protection Crystals

People have been using healing crystals since long before they became super trendy. They’ve been found with fossils that date back to 4,000 BCE. The earliest documentation of these stones was from the Ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia.

Ancient Egyptians used healing crystals to combat night terrors and rid their space of evil spirits. They loved sporting these gems in jewelry to connect with their deities. Tons of different stones adorned their necks, wrists, and ears, including; lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, clear quartz, and emerald. The culture also believed that using protection crystals could lead them to the afterlife safely. 

Protection crystals have been used as medicine, good luck charms, symbols in religious ceremonies, and more throughout the years. During the Renaissance, people would use gems with herbal remedies for healing. In Germany during the 1600s, many believed that good angels would bless the stones with protective energy. Today, we see these ancient crystal healing beliefs brought to the modern world in our favorite celebrities’ Instagram posts and all over our Pinterest boards.


Why Use Protection Crystals?

Healing crystals can be incredibly cleansing and protecting in all aspects of life. And no, we’re not just saying that because Kim Kardashian loves them enough to design a perfume bottle after them. They call on the energy of the Earth to move you through life with protection and love.

Using protection crystals can help you harness your personal power and conquer any challenge coming your way. When the energy of gemstones surrounds you, you’ll be able to focus on positivity and personal growth. Any unwanted energy or negativity won’t  stand a chance against protection crystals.

You can use them for numerous different aspects of your life, including:

  1. protecting your energy
  2. protecting relationships
  3. securing your work and career
  4. protecting the home


  1. Protecting your Energy

The first step to having the most positive, happy, and secure life possible is by protecting your own energy. You want your relationships, career, and living space to prosper, but that can’t happen unless you give yourself some TLC first. Protection crystals can help keep your energy in balance and allow the good vibes to prosper.

Bring stones into your life that will bring in all the good vibes while blocking out the bad ones, like:

  • black tourmaline for negativity
  • banded agate for healing
  • aventurine for manifestation


Black Tourmaline for Negativity

Black protection crystals are the ultimate stones for repelling negativity. When anxiety-inducing situations make their way into your life, black tourmaline will dissolve stress. When tensions are high, put some black tourmaline in your space.

We all know the struggle of battling inner emotions. When you’re experiencing some internal conflict, this healing crystal will help you out. It can help you find a new sense of freedom and promote independence within your life. Fear won’t be a persistent emotion in your life if you have black tourmaline. 

This healing crystal is also incredible for protecting and balancing the root chakra. The seven chakras are the metaphysical parts of us that link us to nature and our spiritual side. Your root chakra, in particular, keeps you grounded to the Earth and the world around you. Any energy block will be cleaned with this protection stone and refreshed root chakra.

The next time you’re feeling a little emotional or overwhelmed, grab some black tourmaline. Hold the protection crystal while you meditate to feel energized and centered. Before you start, simply state your intention out loud or in your head, and watch your troubles fade away.


Banded Agate for Healing

Do you need a healing crystal with energy that won’t overwhelm you? Banded agate provides soft and subtle healing power to your mind and environment. It will shield you against negative energy. With banded agate by your side, you will feel grounded and connected to nature.

Banded agate is also an incredible stone for your feelings and desires. It can protect your internal emotions from outside influence. Since it helps block negativity, the protection crystal creates room for success and abundance in all aspects of life. When you use banded agate, your mind, body, and spirit will be working in harmony to create your dream life.

Throughout history, people believed that this protection crystal would bring good luck to the owner. Next time your mind is running wild and you can’t seem to clear the mental chatter, place a banded agate stone near your third eye chakra. A quick meditation with the healing crystal will rid you of mental barriers and put luck on your side. 


Aventurine for Manifestation

Manifestation is one of the most powerful tools you can use to create your dream life. Even before everyone was doing it on Tik Tok and Instagram, many have been manifesting their realities. Just ask Jim Carey. Protection stones can spring your intentions into action and enhance the power of your manifestations.

The positive energy in aventurine invites luck and prosperity into your life. Even when you endure challenging times, you’ll be able to shine through and stay positive. The essence of this protection crystal will encourage you to get out in nature and use your imagination.

When you’re living a life of love and positive energy, the life you want to attract will start to manifest into reality. You will be able to be vulnerable and honest with yourself about your true dreams and desires since this gem protects your heart chakra. Your heart chakra is like your center of love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.

If you’re ready to manifest a specific experience or emotion, grab your aventurine healing crystal. Hold the stone in your hand and say your intention, either out loud or in your head. Your faith in yourself and your stone will help launch your dreams into reality.


  1. Protecting Relationships

Even though the most important relationship in our lives is the one we have with ourselves, everyone else deserves love, protection, and positivity too. Even when things get a little bit tense, we still love our partners, friends, and family members. If there’s a relationship that’s bringing you down, protection crystals can help rid you of their energy, too.

The best crystals for protecting relationships are:

  • rose quartz for divine love
  • labradorite for tension


Rose Quartz for Divine Love

Love is the thing that keeps us all going. And no, we don’t necessarily mean a significant other. Love starts within yourself. The more love you have inside, the more love you can give to those around you.

Rose quartz is the ultimate stone of divine love. When the healing crystal is in your presence, practicing self-love will come as an easy task. It enhances the love within you and surrounding you. You can use rose quartz to promote unconditional love in all your relationships.

If you’ve been scorned in the past, this protection crystal can help you build trust and become open to new relationships. Everyone will be drawn to your loving energy, so that new connections can bloom and existing ones can continue to strengthen. We recommend carrying it in your bag when you visit your loved ones or next time you’re out on the town looking for a new boo.


Labradorite for Tension

Of course, love is all happy and mushy-gushy all the time, right? In our dreams! Conflict is a natural and sometimes healthy part of any relationship. If the vibes of those around you are a little off, labradorite will ease the tension.

People with negative or low vibrations won’t be able to impact your energy once labradorite is in the picture. It accumulates positivity into your life and relationships, embracing the good and kicking out the bad. When inevitable instances of conflict do arise, labradorite will help you feel more confident to express yourself. You should keep this healing crystal in your home to dispel any tension or arguments.


  1. Securing Your Work and Career

Beyond your relationship with yourself and others, one of the most important aspects of your life is making sure you are happy, successful, and passionate. There’s not a singular definition for success, so it’s all about what that looks like for you! Getting started on a new career path or bringing abundance into your life can be much easier with protection crystals by your side.

The most powerful ones for your career are:

  • green fluorite for focus
  • carnelian for motivation 


Green Fluorite for Focus

If you love your job but need some help navigating the chaos of work-life, green fluorite is the stone for you. It can help reset and clear your mind when distracted or unfocused. Mental chatter will quiet down as you hone in on work with the protection crystal on your desk. When you’re in work mode, the stone will keep thoughts of encouragement and support running through you.

Of course, almost every work environment comes with at least one annoying co-worker or colleague you don’t see eye to eye with. Instead of having conflict, green fluorite helps deal with disagreements cooperatively and kindly. It promotes positive communication so you can express your thoughts and ideas freely.

On days when hiding under the covers sounds way more appealing than heading into the office, use your green flourite to get motivated. The healing crystal will get the creative wheels turning and help ideas flow. If you pick up one of these gemstones, keep it on your desk or in your office if you work in a chaotic environment.


Carnelian for Motivation

The fiery red spirit within carnelian ignites passion within you. This protection crystal will give you energy, even on the earliest mornings or during your most unmotivated moods. Carnelian is excellent for those in a bit of a rut and who need some confidence. Wherever you’re headed on your career path, this healing crystal will be there to encourage a powerful inner and outer voice.

We all know someone who saves everything until the last minute. If this is you, there’s no shame in the procrastination game. However, if you want to get on top of your work and stay ahead of schedule, carnelian can help you get organized and be proactive instead of procrastinating.

Carnelian is also remarkable for when you’re looking for a new job. Since it gives you an aura of confidence, you will be able to go after whatever you want without fear. So carry this healing stone with you to your next job interview, and we guarantee you’ll be their favorite candidate for the position.


  1. Protecting Your Home

Your home is your safe space. The place where you can relax, unwind and unapologetically be yourself. Keep the energy within your home light by keeping gemstones around the house.

The best healing crystals for keeping your home safe are:

  • amethyst for serenity
  • smoky quartz for uplifting


Amethyst for Serenity

Who doesn’t want to come home to a relaxing home full of chill vibes? Amethyst will help balance the energy of your space and leave negativity at the front door. Your home’s vibrations will feel pure and refreshed as long as you keep amethyst nearby. Any time you’re struggling with your emotions or going through a hard time, this healing crystal will promote emotional healing and wellbeing.

Every home is bound to experience tension and arguments, so use amethyst to calm emotions when there are misunderstandings. The amethyst healing crystal will clear out old, unwanted energy that is not serving you and your family anymore. Instead, you will feel surrounded by peace and tranquility.

If everyone loves to spend time in the kitchen, throw some amethyst in there. Do you guys spend all your time watching TV in the family room? Then that sounds like a good place to put some amethyst. You should keep amethyst in all your home’s common hangout spots to dispel negativity. You can also put the healing crystal under your pillow or near your bed for better sleep and dreams.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is like positivity in protection crystal form. It gives anchoring and grounding to any safe space. When negativity arises, smoky quartz will absorb it and allow happiness to flourish. Smoky quartz uplifts everyone in its presence and allows the good vibes to go around.

You can use smoky quartz to create a special soothing space within your home. Grab your favorite blanket, candle, or whatever makes you feel cozy, and bring your healing crystal to relax and replenish. Some other amazing spaces for it would be near your front door, in your home office, or close to a big window to attract the sun's positive energy and moonlight.

When your energy, relationships, work, and home have the power of protection crystals, you will be limitless. Of course, you already have the power within you, but your stones will help it shine through. Best of luck on all of your journeys; don’t forget your crystals are here for you!

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