Small Fluorite Crystal Points

A Room-by-Room Guide: Healing Crystals for Your Home

So, you want to experiment with healing crystals in your home but aren’t sure where to start. Look no further; we’ve got you covered!

Adding gemstones to your home can be an excellent form of self-expression. From a selenite lamp to an amethyst crystal cluster, they can enhance your aesthetic and create a healing and uplifting environment. Learn all about the right stones to use in each room to fill your house with the best vibes.

What are Healing Crystals?

Polished Rose Quartz Hearts

Healing crystals are natural stones and minerals that are believed to have mending powers because of their high vibrational frequencies. The energy from these gemstones interacts with the body’s energy fields to either turn up the dial on positive emotions or redirect that energy to cleanse blockages and bring alignment. Each stone has unique characteristics and its own healing properties and benefits.

Why Do People Put Crystals in Their Home?

Your home is your safe space, and you should treat it as such! Along with making for stunning home décor, gemstones regularly cleanse any negative vibes in your home while filling it up with vibrant and light energy that can inspire your mind and body to operate at its highest level.  

Choosing the right healing crystals for your home can set the tone for how you think and feel. If you need to calm anxious thoughts, there is a stone that can help with that. Feeling low energy? There is a stone for that, too. There are endless possibilities when you incorporate crystals into your home.

3 Starter Healing Crystals for Your Home

There are hundreds of healing stones out there, so choosing a few to begin with can feel overwhelming. If you are looking to start a collection of crystals for your home, try out these options:

  • Black tourmaline: A black gemstone known for its protective and shielding energy  
  • Citrine: A yellow-to-orange variety of quartz associated with abundance, success, and wealth
  • Rose quartz: A pink crystal symbolizing love, passion, and emotional healing

How Do You Choose the Right Healing Crystals for Your Home?

Moonstone Drop Earrings

When determining which stone is best for you, first consider what you want to gain from the crystal. Understanding your reasoning for purchasing will help narrow down your choices. If you are looking to get better sleep, a high-energy stone like carnelian may not be the best choice.

If you are still figuring out what you want from a crystal, go with your gut! Pick a few and hold them in your hand (or take a close look at them if you are browsing online) and decide which resonates with you the most. You truly cannot make a wrong decision, so choose the stone that feels the best!

Which Rooms Should You Put Crystals In?

Healing crystals can be put in any room in your home. If you feel a strong connection between your selected gemstone and a specific room, go ahead and place it there. However, some of the most popular rooms for healing stones are the:

  • Bedroom
  • Kitchen
  • Living room
  • Hallway
  • Bathroom
  • Office/study

Which Crystals Are Best for Each Room?

While it is true that a crystal can go in any room, some have distinct healing properties that make them better suited for a particular location. We’ve compiled detailed room-by-room suggestions to help you begin.

Bedroom Healing Crystals

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary and a place to relax after a long day. When thinking about adding healing crystals in your bedroom, less is more.

Crystals are amplifiers and can intensify the energy in a room, making it hard to sleep. Therefore, start with one or two crystals and see how that affects your sleep. From there, you can continue adding in more stones.

What are the Best Crystals for Your Bedroom?

Polished Labradorite Heart

In the bedroom especially, finding a balance of energy that works for you is important. Below are a few gemstones that are energetically matched for the bedroom, but test them out to ensure they align with your needs.

  • Lapis lazuli: Helps you connect to your intuition during sleep, but it is not overly energetic, so it will not disturb peaceful rest
  • Moonstone: Invites healthy emotional balance and helps you find peace during difficult times
  • Labradorite: Promotes the release of negative energies and creative dreaming

Crystals in Kids’ Bedrooms

Bedroom healing crystals aren’t just for adults! When added to children's bedrooms, these crystals can keep the vibe light and fun and make your child feel safe and secure in their environment.

Selenite is a superb starter crystal for children as it will purify the room and raise the vibration, creating a constant flow of positive energy. Fluorite and celestite are other options for kids’ bedrooms. Fluorite will deliver an air of magic, peace, and positivity, while celestite will help them sleep well with its calming and high vibrational power.

Crystals for the Kitchen and Dining Areas

Raw Fluorite Crystal Specimen

The kitchen and dining areas are considered the heart of your home. The crystals you place in the kitchen should create feelings of positivity and liveliness. Carnelian, citrine, and sodalite are all great options for the kitchen.

Carnelian delivers confidence, boosts creativity, and stimulates motivation. This stone is a way to give you more inspiration when cooking or baking.

Place citrine on your windowsill and allow the sun to reflect the radiant, uplifting, and positive vibe that this crystal cultivates. This happy ambiance will make your food taste even better!

Use Sodalite for Your Table

Sodalite crystal benefits include harmonious communication, which makes it the perfect stone for your kitchen or dining room tables. When this stone is present, everyone around your table will feel comfortable speaking up and adding to the conversation. Some of the best conversations are had while sharing a meal, and sodalite will keep the mood upbeat, loving, and understanding.

The 3 Best Healing Crystals for Your Living Room

You spend the majority of your time at home in the living room. Whether relaxing after a long day or hosting friends and family, you want the living room to feel welcoming with warmth, love, and positivity. There are a few crystals you can get started with to cultivate that feeling.

1. Amethyst Brings Calm

Chevron Amethyst Spheres

Amethyst’s many healing benefits and practical uses mean it can be used in any room. However, it’s an especially great healing crystal for the living room as it creates a spa-like environment and reminds you to take a deep breath and relax. It is the perfect stone for stress relief and acts as a purifier by removing negative energy and replacing it with positive.

2. Hematite Helps Control Emotions

If you find that the people around you control your moods, hematite is a great stone to work with. It can absorb any negativity and help you feel aligned and centered. It is also a wonderful gemstone for self-confidence and courage.

3. Shungite Can Purify

Shungite is a carbon-rich stone best known for its purification properties. This healing crystal should be placed next to any electronic devices to help neutralize harmful electronic magnetic fields (EMFs) in the room.

Which Stones Should I Use in My Bathroom?

While you may not spend as much time in your bathroom as in other rooms, it is likely where you are doing most of your self-care. Crystals like jade, green aventurine, and aquamarine will create an elevated environment for you to get ready in each morning and wind down from the day each evening.

Green Aventurine Worry Stones

Jade is known as the stone of luck and prosperity, and is often used in self-care tools such as a Gua Sha or skin roller! Green aventurine is great for manifesting and can be an excellent gemstone to use when prepping for big meeting, date, interview, or social gathering. Aquamarine should be kept near your bathtub or on the shower floor to infuse the water with its calm and rejuvenating force.

Are There Crystals I Should Avoid in my Bathroom?

Certain crystals do not respond well to being submerged in water or even kept in warm, moist environments. Here are some crystals you should avoid placing in your bathroom:

  • Turquoise
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Fluorite
  • Calcite
  • Labradorite
  • Opal
  • Lepidolite
  • Pyrite
  • Selenite
  • Obsidian
  • Hematite

Should I Use Crystals in My Office?  

The office is one of the most ideal spots to utilize crystals. In this room, concentration and productivity are at the forefront, so you want to create an environment that is free of distraction, but also full of motivation and creativity.

The Best Crystals for the Office

Navajun Pyrite Crystal Cube

Pyrite, malachite, and tiger’s eye are a few of the best gemstone choices for the office. They will keep the space in tune with abundance, mental focus, and a business-savvy mindset.

Pyrite is known as the money magnet, calling in abundance and promoting a wealth of ideas, opportunities, and confidence in all business areas. Placing pyrite in your working space will help you gain the courage, motivation, and self-assurance needed to conquer any work task that comes your way.

Malachite is a fantastic stone for the office as it can help transform finances, business deals, or projects that are not headed in the right direction. It encourages you to approach challenging situations with new ideas and creative solutions. Tiger’s eye is excellent for focus and will allow you to maximize your energy, take calculated risks, and work hard.

Use Black Tourmaline Near Entrances for Protection

With its strong protective properties, black tourmaline can be placed in any room in your home, but it is especially powerful when put right outside the front door. Every day when you come home, it will help cast a shield over your home to keep negative energy from yourself or others out.

To further enhance the properties of black tourmaline, you can place a piece in a bowl of equal parts water and salt. Then, set an intention around protection. That way, when you come home each day, you can connect to that intention directly and harness the crystal’s energy.

Can You Put Crystals in Your Garden?

Sodalite Pebbles

Whether you have an exquisite green thumb or can barely keep a cactus alive, crystals are a perfect addition to a garden. Placing gemstones amongst your flowers and plants can improve the garden’s appearance while allowing you to harness the healing properties of those stones. Choose a mix of crystals that complement the surroundings and provide the benefits you are looking for.

Any crystal can go well in the garden, but if you are looking for a couple of options to get you started, green aventurine is great for its earthy energy, while citrine will attract the sunlight and promote happy vibes. One way to supercharge the healing properties of crystals in your garden is to meditate. To practice meditation, sit in the garden, set an intention surrounding the crystals you have placed there, and focus on being present in the here and now.

Which Crystals Should Not Be Put Together?

While certain gemstones complement each other beautifully, there are also several pairings that you want to avoid. Due to their conflicting energies, these crystals can create a negative effect when put closely together. These pairings include:

  • Amethyst and pyrite: The high-vibrational energies of pyrite can dull the metaphysical properties of amethyst. 
  • Rose quartz and black tourmaline: The high heart chakra energies of rose quartz can be blocked by the protective and grounding energy of black tourmaline.
  • Citrine and sodalite: Sodalite’s inward-looking properties for enhancing intuition clash with the creative and confident properties of citrine.
  • Selenite and hematite: The cleansing properties of selenite can disrupt the grounding effects of hematite. This will leave a person feeling scattered and disoriented.

What is Feng Shui?

Selenite Heart

If you want to dive even further into the world of healing crystals for the home, feng shui may interest you. Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging pieces in your home to create harmony and balance with the living world. As crystals are regarded as an earthly element, their healing properties can be further amplified by being placed in specific locations per the rules of feng shui.

Feng Shui can Guide Your Crystal Placement

The Bagua is the feng shui map that identifies the eight major compass directions, with each direction corresponding to a particular part of life. These individual areas are called “guas.” For example, north focuses on your career and life path, so some stones that could be placed in this gua are clear quartz, tiger’s eye, or citrine. On the other hand, south is all about fame and reputation, so you may want to have carnelian or garnet in this gua.

Placing healing crystals in your home can really improve the overall energy and ambiance. At Whaler’s Locker, we have a vast collection of authentic healing crystals to help you start your collection or add to an already impressive one.

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