Sodalite Crystal: Enhancing Intuition and Inner Peace
Sodalite is a mesmerizing crystal that typically features a deep blue hue. This mineral carries profound spiritual meanings and symbolism. Sodalite crystals can promote inner peace, intuition, and self-expression. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the stone makes for stunning jewelry and home décor!
What is Sodalite?

Sodalite is an extremely rare rock-forming mineral that occurs in igneous rocks that crystallized from sodium-rich magmas. The blue hue of sodalite is primarily due to the presence of small amounts of sulfur in its structure, but it can be found in multiple colors, like pink and pale violet, which go by other names. There are also some similar stones that are often mistake for sodalite, so don’t be fooled!
Sodalite was first found in Greenland in the early 1800s and has since been discovered in Canada, Brazil, Russia, and the United States. However, sodalite only began gaining popularity in 1891 when it was found in Ontario, Canada.
Fun fact: in 1901, the Queen of Wales attended the World Fair in Buffalo, New York, and was gifted a sodalite stone that originated at a mine in Bancroft, Ontario. She was so intrigued by it that she ordered over 130 tons from the mine to redecorate her home in London. The mine was named the “Princess Sodalite Mine” and remains operational today.
What is Hackmanite?
Hackmanite is a light pink to pale violet variety of sodalite and is commonly referred to as “pink sodalite.” It is an extremely rare and unusual gem as it exhibits tenebrescence, which makes it stand out from traditional sodalite stones. When exposed to UV light, hackmanite’s hue can change making it look more indigo or violet as opposed to its regular pink coloring.
Is Sodalite the Same as Lapis Lazuli?
No! While the two have similar coloring, sodalite and lapis lazuli are different. However, small pieces of sodalite can be present in lapis lazuli. Two ways to distinguish the two gemstones are:
- If you look closely at a sodalite crystal, it has a white veining that lapis lazuli does not.
- If the gemstone has gold pyrite flecks in it, this is lapis lazuli, as sodalite does not contain pyrite.
Are There Any Healing Benefits From Sodalite Stone?
While all crystals have certain healing powers, sodalite has been celebrated as one of the most powerful stones for getting rid of negative emotions. It can also help you experience clarity and achieve emotional intelligence. Sodalite wants you to not only survive but thrive and its many healing properties aid in this goal!
Physical Benefits of Sodalite
Sodalite is the stone associated with the throat charka and, therefore, can help with any physical throat problems. If you struggle with vocal cord damage, hoarseness, or larynx issues, a sodalite crystal can help with healing. Additionally, it can assist with:
- Increasing your metabolism
- Boosting your immune system
- Detoxifying the body
- Lowering blood pressure
- Reduce inflammation
- Increasing energy levels
Sodalite’s Mental and Emotional Benefits
Sodalite crystals are an excellent tool for boosting communication and helping one find their voice to speak their truth. If you are struggling with this, focus on ways to unblock your throat chakra such as meditating with a sodalite stone.
Top Metaphysical Benefits of Sodalite Stones
Sodalite is commonly used in energy work due to its strong metaphysical properties, especially its ability to enhance your psychic abilities and intuition. Other metaphysical areas of focus when using sodalite stones are:
- Wisdom: Simply holding sodalite or placing it around the home can give you greater insight into the world, increasing your wisdom and understanding.
- Spiritual Development: Sodalite can help you find your path in life by providing guidance from your spirit guides. When using sodalite to obtain guidance, pay attention to any reoccurring happenings or themes throughout your day-to-day.
- Dreams: This stone can induce lucid dreaming. Research shows that lucid dreaming has a multitude of positive benefits.
- Protection: If you seek protection from negative energies, keeping a sodalite crystal on you can provide that security.
How to Use Sodalite Crystals for Maximum Benefits
With all of the mental, physical, emotional, and metaphysical benefits sodalite brings, it’s a no-brainer to incorporate sodalite into your daily routines. Here are some common practices and tips for using sodalite crystals effectively:
- Grounding techniques
- Carrying the gemstone with you
- Keep it under your pillow
- Wear it in jewelry
Grounding with Sodalite Crystal
Grounding is a process that involves doing activities on the ground that connect you back to the earth. Walking barefoot, lying on the ground, and submersing yourself in water are examples of popular grounding techniques. Sodalite stones can be very powerful partners when practicing grounding.Carrying a Sodalite Crystal with You
When you begin to feel unfocused or overwhelmed, holding a sodalite crystal or putting it in your pocket while grounding can restore your feeling of balance and calm. It can also help you stay focused in the present moment, reducing your worries about the past or future.
Keep Sodalite Under Your Pillow
If you are feeling particularly stressed out about a situation, you could sleep with sodalite under your pillow as it will provide you mental clarity and release any anxiety and stress you are feeling. This will help you tap into your divine consciousness to find the inner peace and bravery needed to take on the task at hand.
Why Wear Sodalite Jewelry?
The best (and most glamorous!) way to use a sodalite stone is by having it in a piece of jewelry. Whether you choose a gorgeous pendant or a stunning pair of earrings, wearing sodalite jewelry is one of the most potent and powerful ways to feel the healing effects throughout the day.
Other crystals that complement sodalite and further enhance healing properties are lapis lazuli, pyrite, carnelian, rose quartz, and aquamarine. You may choose to combine these gemstones in a piece of jewelry or wear multiple pieces of healing crystal jewelry at once to double the healing effects. If you have other healing goals than the ones sodalite can provide, you can check out our blog on setting intentions with healing crystals to determine the stone that is right for you.
How to Cleanse and Charge Sodalite Crystals

You can tell that sodalite needs to be cleansed and charged when it becomes cloudy in color. While all healing crystals can be cleansed and charged with intention setting, placing them under the full moon, or energy work, sodalite has a few unique ways to ensure your crystals are providing optimal results.
- Running Water: As sodalite is high in sodium, it reacts well to being submerged in running water. Water is the stones' favorite element, so this is the ideal way to cleanse your sodalite stones.
- Silk Wrapping: Sodalite loves to be wrapped in silk. You could set the stones into the moonlight or smudge them with palo santo or a sage stick while they are wrapped.
- Sunlight: While many stones love to be charged under the moonlight, sodalite also enjoys recharging in the sun. However, you should ensure that the stones do not sit out for too long as prolonged sunlight exposure can fade the color of the stones.
- Burying: Burying sodalite crystals in the ground for a few hours or overnight can charge the stone’s energies and enhance the properties that aid in grounding.
Whether you're new to the world of crystals or a seasoned practitioner, sodalite's versatile and powerful nature makes it a valuable addition to any collection. If you are drawn to its aesthetic appeal or its reputed abilities, integrating sodalite into your daily life can offer a variety of benefits.