Our Most Popular Megalodon Teeth
Whaler’s Locker is home to the most unique and creative gifts that Hawaii has to offer. Among the brilliant jewelry and handcrafted pocket knives is our vast collection of fossils. Fossilized Megalodon teeth are one of our customers’ favorite things to purchase for themselves and their loved ones.
Shark Teeth as Jewelry
Shark tooth necklaces are among one of the most cherished of Hawaiian gifts. They gained popularity in the sixties, and that popularity soared with the 1975 blockbuster Jaws, but shark tooth jewelry has a long history in Hawaii. Native Hawaiians used shark teeth to hunt and as weapons. The teeth were also worn as jewelry to ward off the dangers of the sea.
The idea that shark teeth offer protection from dangers in the sea comes from a Hawaiian legend. The legend says that during the formation of the seas of the world, the sea god, Ohav-Lai, is challenged by a man-eating shark. In the depths of the Pacific Ocean, a battle between the sea god and the man-eating shark raged on for days. Finally, Ohav-Lai emerged from the sea, victorious. Around his neck, he wore a symbol of his victory, a tooth from the man-eating shark. Today, Hawaiians wear shark teeth to bring a long, successful life, and protect them from the sea’s potential danger.
Most Impressive Shark Teeth: Megalodon
Megalodon teeth are an even more special shark tooth gift, as they come from the mysterious ancestor of the already terrifying predators. These fossilized Megalodon teeth are a fan favorite with fossil and shark enthusiasts alike because of an innate fascination with Megalodons. Megalodons are an extinct species of shark that terrorized oceans for thirteen million years. The first known fossilized tooth dates back twenty million years.
Interesting Facts About Megalodons:
- Megalodons were the biggest shark ever to exist. They grew between fifteen and eighteen meters in length. That is three times larger than the biggest known Great White Shark.
- Scientists have discovered Megalodon teeth fossils that are up to 18 centimeters long. Due to the nature of the shark’s soft cartilage-like skeletal systems, teeth are the only part of Megalodon’s bodies that became fossilized for scientists to study. Megalodon teeth alone can tell us a lot about the massive, extinct animal.
- Megalodons were carnivores who feasted on large aquatic animals like dolphins and humpback whales.
- Megalodons could open their huge mouths 2.7 by 3.4 meters wide. That’s big enough to engulf two adult humans, standing side by side. Over 260 teeth lined their powerful jaws, and they are assumed to have had the world’s strongest bite force.
- While often depicted as resembling a larger Great White Shark, Megalodon was actually from a different breed of shark, which ended with the Megalodon. It had a much shorter nose and squashed jaw, with massive pectoral fins to support its weight.
- Megalodon teeth are found all over the world on every continent, except Antarctica.
- Like other sharks, Megalodon produced teeth throughout their lives. Every week to every other week, losing and growing a new set of teeth meant that tons of teeth fell to the ocean floor and had the chance to become fossilized. Lucky for collectors, tons of them did, and due to erosion, it’s possible to find them miles and miles inland.
- The end of the Pliocene era brought on a global cooling phase, which likely contributed to the extinction of the Megalodon in several ways. These explanations included habitat loss, extinction of prey, and loss of warmer, shallow regions of water in which the Megalodon females would have birthed their pups.
- Despite speculations and movies, no, the Megalodon does not still exist. Experts agree that if something as big as the Megalodon was still in our oceans, we would know; especially because Megalodons could only survive in warm waters. Therefore they would not be able to live in the depths of the ocean where it might be possible to go undetected.
Unique Jewelry: Polished Megalodon Pendants
Polished Megalodon teeth pendants make great gifts for jewelry lovers. A Megalodon tooth symbolizes strength, ferocity, and the Hawaiian Islands. Harness the power of the Megalodon by wearing its tooth around your neck.
Bone Valley Megalodon Tooth Pendant 1 - Found in Bone Valley, Florida, this polished Megalodon tooth is approximately twelve million years old. Its condition and quality make it very rare and highly sought after. It features a completely intact root, in an antique white color, and beautiful serrations along the edges of the deep charcoal colored tooth. This polished Megalodon tooth pendant has a bale to string on a chain and create a one of a kind piece of jewelry. It measures 1 ½ inch long and 1 ¼ inch wide. It retails for $85.
Bone Valley Megalodon Tooth Pendant 2 - Like its sister, this polished Megalodon tooth was discovered in Bone Valley, Florida, and is approximately twelve million years old. This one is a jet black tooth with a bright white root. It is 1 ½ inch long and 1 ¼ inch wide and complete with a bale to hang on a chain. It retails for $85.
Bone Valley Megalodon Tooth Pendant 3 - Another of our Bone Valley, Florida collection pieces, this one is unique, with earthy tones. It’s a polished Megalodon tooth that makes a stunning piece of detailed jewelry with its striking bourlette and ridgelines. It is 1 ¾ inch long and 1 ¼ inch wide, and it retails for $95.
Bone Valley Megalodon Tooth Pendant 4 - A jet black blade with a huge bright white root makes this piece a rare find. It features a gold bale and is 2 inches wide and 1 ½ inch wide. It retails for $98.
Bone Valley Megalodon Tooth Pendant 5 - The final and most valuable of our collection from Bone Valley, Florida, this piece is charcoal gray with an antique white root. It has a stunning display of ridgelines and light serration. This polished Megalodon tooth transforms a piece of natural history into a piece of beautiful jewelry. It is 2 inches long and 1 ⅕ inch wide. It retails for $115.
Collectibles: Tiny Megalodon Teeth
“Tiny Megalodon teeth” is funny considering Megalodon literally means “big tooth.” However, here are our favorite pieces of smaller Megalodon teeth collectibles under four inches.
3 ¼ Inch Black Megalodon Tooth - This fossilized Megalodon tooth is a unique specimen due to its solid, deep black color. It has a complete, intact root and complete tooth enamel and is not modified in any way. This stand-out piece is great for those starting a Megalodon tooth collection, or those looking to complete their collection. At its longest point, this fossil is 3 ¼ inches long, and it retails for $94.
Collectibles: Big Megalodon Teeth
Our collection of big Megalodon teeth, or fossils that are about four inches, make amazing statement pieces or additions to any collection. When you purchase a massive Megalodon tooth, it gives you a more tangible grasp of how large these sharks really were.
5 Inch Megalodon Tooth - This super cool Megalodon tooth is very rough at the top of the root. It’s rugged feel, and deep gray color helps to drive home the idea that these sharks were fierce and powerful. It’s giant, at 5 inches in length, and it retails for $95.
4 Inch Polished Megalodon Angustidens Tooth - This polished Megalodon’s tooth is unique in that the tooth belonged to another species of mega-toothed prehistoric shark called Angustiden. Angustiden was a relative of the Megalodon and lived during the same time period. This unique polished Megalodon tooth is 4 inches long and retails for $97.
4 ½ Inch A+ Polished Megalodon Tooth - A great addition to an existing collection, or start to a Megalodon tooth collection, this polished Megalodon tooth has a uniquely coffee-colored root. The tooth enamel is polished to a shiny deep black. An impressive specimen, it’s 4 ½ inches long and retails for $130.
4 Inch Polished Megalodon Tooth - Another beautifully polished Megalodon tooth, polished to a shine on the front and left to its original enamel on the back. It has a fully intact root with an impressive bourlette. The chip out of the serration of the tooth adds a layer of uniqueness that makes this polished Megalodon tooth a must-have for any collector. It is just over 4 inches long and retails for $180.
4 ¼ Inch Megalodon Tooth with Large Root - This Megalodon tooth has a huge root with impressive detail and texture. It features a large, dark bourlette with excellent serration and ridge detail. It is not a polished Megalodon tooth and has been left completely unretouched. It retails for $200.
Fine Art: Massive Megalodon Tooth
Our massive Megalodon teeth, over five inches long, are sure to catch the eye of the experienced Megalodon tooth collector. Megalodon teeth of this size are hard to come by, and it’s for this reason that they make a very special gift.
5 ½ Inch Polished Megalodon Tooth - This polished Megalodon tooth has pristinely preserved serration and is polished to a beautiful gray. It has a massive root with great detailing, in a light brown color. It is just under 5 ½ inches long and retails for $285.
Upper Jaw Polished Megalodon Tooth - A massive specimen, this polished Megalodon tooth is polished to a deep brown while the backside is left it’s natural marbled gray and tan. It is 5 inches and retails for $295.
5 ¼ Inch Megalodon Tooth - For the collector that likes unique pieces and prefers natural to polished megalodon teeth, this is the perfect piece. It is uniquely angular and boasts incredible detail in the tooth enamel as well as the root. It is deeply gray with speckles of black, is about 5 ¼ inches long, and retails for $297.
5 ¾ Inch Megalodon Tooth - Not a polished Megalodon tooth, this completely natural fossil is a beautifully vibrant color. It has some smoothing to the edges, but serration is still visible. The root has some chips but is overall intact, and a beautiful example of a massive Megalodon tooth. It measures 5 ⅓ inches and retails for $697.
5 5/8 Inch Megalodon Tooth - This massive fossil is completely natural as well, and features a lovely light colored enamel with a darker root. It is a narrower specimen with softer edges, though serrations are still visible. It’s a great shape, and measures 5 5/8 inches in length and retails for $425.
6 Inch Morgan River Megalodon Tooth - This is one of the most impressive specimens we’ve ever come across. This massive Megalodon tooth is art, and is displayed on a stand as such. It is entirely natural, features beautiful edges, and a completely intact root. It’s 6 ¼ inches long and a deep charcoal gray with some natural luster. It retails for $2,150.
A Unique Piece of Hawaii
Bring home a special piece of natural history that makes you feel like you’re standing in the white sand of Hawaii. Megalodon teeth are the perfect gift for a shark lover or a fossil lover. No two Megalodon teeth fossils are alike, so you’ll be presenting a gift that’s unique as your loved one.
Be sure to check back often, as we are always expanding our collection of beautiful Megalodon teeth and Hawaiian treasures.