Harnessing the Healing Power of Crystals for Health

From Ancient Egyptians to modern healers, people have long revered crystals for their healing powers! With the ability to aid in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, the world of health crystals is vast, and the possibilities are endless. Even so, many are still unaware of the opportunity some of our favorite stones possess.


The History of Healing Crystals

The human history of crystals begins with the first documentation in ancient times when they were used for both healing and spiritual purposes. Since then, they have been utilized across many diverse cultures and eras and remain extremely popular in modern times.


Health Crystals in Ancient Civilizations

The word crystal comes from the Greek word “krystallos”, meaning ice, and these gemstones were admired in Ancient Greece. They believed that clear quartz was frozen water that would never thaw. They used hematite before battle as they believed it would make them invincible.

In Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, they incorporated stunning gemstones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, and carnelian into their jewelry, cosmetics, and amulets to protect them during battle and in daily life. The famous painter Leonardo da Vinci reportedly kept amethyst on his desk, claiming it dispelled evil thoughts and improved his thinking.


Health Crystals in Traditional Medicine

Crystals such as jade have historically been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for healing and protection. In India, stones are an essential part of Ayurvedic medicine. The Vedic texts from Ancient India are some of the oldest known sacred texts and mention crystals in healing practices and medicine.


What Are Health Crystals?

Health crystals (also known as healing crystals or healing stones) are natural stones thought to possess unique energies and properties that promote physical and emotional well-being. Different crystals have different healing properties, from bringing peace of mind to energizing and focusing a person.


How Do Health Crystals Work?

Each stone is believed to have a distinct vibration that can influence the body’s energy fields. Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, and crystals are believed to possess stable, consistent vibrations. When placed within a person’s energy field (chakras), these crystals engage with and stabilize the human energy system, enhancing health, healing, and overall well-being.

It is important to note that no scientific studies have been done on health crystals. Because of this, some people believe that a crystal’s healing powers are related to the placebo effect.


What is the Placebo Effect?

A placebo is anything that seems to be a real medical treatment but is not because it does not contain an active substance that can affect health. However, some people do react to the placebo, which is known as the placebo effect.

Studies show that the placebo effect can happen in conditions such as

  • Depression
  • Pain
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Menopause

Crystals can carry the power to induce the placebo effect, which could be why some people report an improvement in these symptoms. Regardless of whether it’s vibrations and energy fields or the placebo effect, if you feel ailments improving, the health crystals are working.  


9 Common Crystals for Health and What They Are Used For

If you are interested in working with some of the most powerful healing crystals but are unsure where to begin, these are some of the best health crystals to try. Exploring these options can help you find the right stones to support your wellness journey.

1. Quartz for Focus and Love

Clear quartz is a great stone selection if you are looking to amplify your energy or increase your focus. It is also excellent for manifestation. Rose quartz, on the other hand, is focused on love! Use the pink gemstone to promote love, self-love, and emotional healing.

2. Obsidian Brings Protection

If you are seeking protection, look no further than obsidian. This health crystal can shield against physical and emotional negativity while preventing emotional blockages. It’s also said to promote strength, clarity, and compassion to help you find your true sense of self.  

3. Jasper Keeps You Grounded

Known as “the supreme nurturer,” jasper can support you through times of stress by promoting courage, quick thinking, and confidence to help you show up as your true self. And like obsidian, it also protects you from negative energies. Jasper’s stunning varieties are easy to look at, too.

4. Manifest Abundance with Citrine

Citrine is the health crystal associated with abundance and prosperity. Whether you are looking for financial abundance, opportunity abundance, or social abundance, working with citrine can manifest that.

It can also promote feelings of:

  • Optimism
  • Warmth
  • Motivation
  • Clarity
  • Focus

5. Amethyst Will Purify and Protect

The amethyst gemstone can help with making healthy choices and leading with humility and sincerity. It can also help one sleep by demystifying dreams, so it is often suggested that you keep amethyst near your bed.

6. Get an Energetic Boost with Tiger’s Eye

If you need power or a motivation boost, you should keep tiger’s eye close. This stone can help you release any anxiety or self-doubt, so you make clear, conscious decisions, guiding you to harmony and balance.

7. Moonstone is Great for New Beginnings

For significant life changes, moonstone can be a great companion as it can soothe stress and instability when embarking on a new path. It is known as a health crystal that encourages inner growth, positive thinking, and strength so you can successfully move forward. It can also help you embrace your feminine energy, which can unlock creativity and intuition.

8. Refresh Your Memory with Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a great gemstone for those currently going to school or learning many new things at once. Not only does it enhance your memory, but it also improves your intellectual ability and stimulates the desire for knowledge. It’s known as “the stone of truth” as it allows you to express your thoughts without fear.

9. Bloodstone: Stop Seeing Red

Bloodstone can reduce irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience, replacing those feelings with selflessness and creativity. It also has physical healing properties and can help with blood circulation and blood-related health issues.


Health Crystals and The Chakras

If you are looking to heal or open a specific chakra, it’s important to know which of the seven chakra stones is best aligned with that chakra.

  1. The Root Chakra: The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and helps with grounding. Obsidian and jasper are recommended health crystals for root chakra healing.
  2. The Sacral Chakra: Sitting right below your belly button, the sacral chakra assists with emotional energy, creativity, and sensuality. You can use carnelian or rose quartz to open this chakra.
  3. The Solar Plexus: If you want to boost your self-esteem and confidence, you will need to ensure your solar plexus is open. Located right near your stomach, it can be healed with any gold or yellow colored crystal, such as citrine.
  4. The Heart Chakra: The heart chakra is in your chest. As it’s associated with love, empathy, and forgiveness, rose quartz is the best choice of health crystal for this chakra.
  5. The Throat Chakra: To open your throat chakra, try using lapis lazuli. This crystal will help you connect with your inner self, joining you to who you are and what you believe in.
  6. The Third-Eye Chakra: Just above the bridge of your nose, the third-eye chakra is linked to wisdom and spirituality. Opening your third eye with amethyst can help with any energy blockages and allow one to be open to spiritual healing.
  7. The Crown Chakra: The crown chakra is the most powerful as it is where the highest levels of spirituality and self are actualized. Citrine and selenite are great options for crown chakra healing.


How to Select the Right Healing Crystal

The first step in selecting your crystal is to identify what you want it to achieve. As you can see, there are many different crystals, and each addresses a certain need. You could meditate or journal on what you are seeking, which will help you narrow down your options.

From there, let your intuition be your guide. Whether a certain gemstone catches your eye while browsing online or you feel particularly called to one in the store, your inner subconscious will lead you to the stone you need.  


How to Use Crystals for Health

So, you’ve selected your stone, but how do you use it to reap the benefits best? You will feel the effects of your crystal the most when you choose an activity that feels comfortable and authentic to you. We’ve compiled a few ideas below!


Wear Crystals in Jewelry to Keep them Close

Crystal jewelry is one of the best ways to receive their healing properties, especially for beginners. Placing the stone on the body allows for their energy to connect directly with the chakras.

Popular types of jewelry with crystals include:


Crystals can both project and receive energy. If you want to receive energy, you should wear the crystals on the left side of the body. In contrast, crystals should be worn on the right side of the body to project energy.


Healing Practices with Health Crystals

Completing healing practices with health crystals can increase their energy and healing power.

Here are a few ideas for everyday healing rituals with crystals:

  • Meditation and Visualization: You can incorporate crystals into your meditation and visualization routines by holding them in your hand or placing them on the chakra you are trying to open up.
  • Intention Setting: Intention setting can be a very powerful healing technique, and using a crystal can really amplify that. Set an intention around a specific stone, such as “I will lead with confidence,” and then keep that crystal on you when you need to live that intention.
  • Bathing: Taking a bath with crystals can further your relaxation and bring specific healing energies to your bathtime. Some suggested crystals to bathe with are rose quartz, citrine, or aquamarine.


Health Crystals Around the Home

Your home can really affect your overall energy, and crystals can be a great way to clear negative energy from your environment, encourage prosperity, aid in restful sleep, and create harmony. Just as each stone has different healing properties, each one also has a place in the home where it will create the most energy and healing; this is where the art of feng shui comes into play.


What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that believes arranging objects, colors, and environments can bring about harmony and balance. This will harness positive energies, called Chi, and transfer those energies into your home. While there is much to learn about feng shui, these suggestions on which rooms to place crystals in can help get you started.

  • Bedroom: Rose quartz, amethyst, selenite, moonstone
  • Bathroom: Jasper, rose or clear quartz, aquamarine 
  • Living Room: Amethyst, fluorite, selenite, lapis lazuli
  • Kitchen: Carnelian, citrine, clear quartz, sodalite
  • Office: Citrine, pyrite, tiger’s eye, carnelian
  • Entryway: Obsidian, black tourmaline, bloodstone


How to Care for Your Health Crystal 

There are two main ways to care for your health crystal: charging and cleansing. Cleansing your crystal will get rid of any negative energies tied to it while charging your health crystal will rejuvenate and amplify its healing energies.


Cleansing Your Health Crystal

The simplest method to cleanse a crystal is to run it under water for one minute at a time. Certain stones like rose quartz or carnelian can be submerged in water or salt water overnight for a deep cleanse, but other crystals (mainly the ones ending in “ite”) should not be left under the water for too long. You could also use sage or palo santo to clear the crystals of negative energy. 


Charging Your Health Crystal

Once you have cleansed your crystals, you should charge them. There are a few options for charging healing stones, so choose the one that feels the best for you!

  • Leave them in sunlight or moonlight
  • Bury them in soil overnight
  • Place them on other charging crystals, such as selenite
  • Use a singing bowl or tuning fork to create sound vibrations

Crystals are undoubtedly aesthetically pleasing and beautiful to look at, but they are so much more than just that. By learning about the various types of crystals, their properties, and how to use them, you can begin incorporating these ancient tools into your modern life, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.


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