Harnessing the Power of Healing Crystals

Harnessing the Power of Healing Crystals

Healing crystals have powers that many believe can change your life. Each crystal has a different effect on the mind and body. It’s important to know what each type of crystal is used for in order to find what will work best for you. While many see crystals as just stunning pieces of jewelry, the benefits these crystals can provide make them so much more than that.

How the Power of Healing Crystals Can Help

Healing crystals promote the flow of good energy and have been used to help remove negative energy from the mind and body. In addition, the power of the healing crystals has been known to help a person unblock and transform their aura.

7 Ways to Use Your Healing Crystals:

  • Hold
  • Meditate
  • Carry
  • Wear
  • Decorate
  • Sleep
  • Cleanse

Hold Your Healing Crystals

Tiger Eye Puffed Heart

While holding your healing crystals to feel their power may not be the ideal option for everyone, holding them can bring a sense of calm. Start by carrying them with you for seven straight days in your hand. It doesn’t have to be all the time, but many find holding it during the process helps them feel more connected to the powers of the healing crystal. The best crystal for holding is clear quartz. When you hold it in your hand, it is believed to support your entire energy system.

Healing Crystals for Meditation

Meditating with your healing crystal can be done in several ways. You can have it close to you, move it around the room, or keep it in one specific spot where you can focus on it and feel the power of its healing energies. The best crystal for meditation is selenite, as it helps the meditator connect to a higher consciousness. 

Carry Your Crystals

For those who don’t want to hold their crystals in their hand but always want them by their side, carrying them in a pocket or a purse is a great option. By keeping the crystal close to you, you can still harness its power and have peace of mind that it is always with you. Turquoise is the best crystal to carry around with you. Turquoise is a master healer and can be used to boost your mood. 

Wear Your Crystals

Banded Agate Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring

That’s right! If you love a good accessory, we highly suggest wearing healing crystals. When you wear them, you will be able to feel the power of the healing crystals and look amazing while you do it. Some of our best crystal jewelry pieces are our Banded Agate Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring and our Small Baltic Amber Heart Pendant.

Decorate Your Space with Healing Crystals

Whether you are drawn to one type of crystal or love them all, decorate your space with the best crystals. Your healing goal may be different per space, so you can choose specific crystals that align with your wants and needs. For example, Amethyst can transform negative energy into positive energy and is the best crystal for decorating your space and ensuring you’re surrounded by good vibes only.

Sleep With Your Healing Crystals

If you are a restless sleeper, consider investing in some calming healing crystals that you can put into the corners of your pillowcase. The power of healing crystals can work for you in many ways. So, say goodbye to sleepless nights and let the calming power of your healing crystals bring you into dreamland. If you aren’t sure what the best crystals for sleeping with are, we recommend rose quartz to start as it brings a calm, gentle feeling that follows you into your dreams.

Use Your Healing Crystals for Cleansing

Carnelian Heart Stone

Cleansing your energy or the energy of the space you’re in can be an unforgettable experience. While many may light up a smudge stick, we understand that may not always be an option. The best crystal for cleansing is the carnelian. Carnelian is said to have a clearing effect over the spaces it is used in. So, buy our Carnelian Heart Stone today and begin cleansing your space of negative energy.

How Long Does It Take to Feel the Power of Healing Crystals?

While there is no definitive timeline for how long it takes before you can feel the power of your healing crystals, consistency is key. Start with bringing your best crystals wherever you go for seven days in a row and see if you notice the difference.

Do You Need to Cleanse Your Healing Crystals?

We highly recommend cleansing your healing crystals. When you first bring them home, it is important to cleanse your healing crystals to rid them of any energies they may have picked up before they made it to you.

Another crucial time to cleanse your healing crystals is after you have gone through a rough patch and need new positive energy. This is why we recommend cleansing your healing stones monthly to ensure they are always ready whenever you may need them.

How To Cleanse Your Healing Crystals

Hands holding a crystal over a stream

In order to keep the power of your healing crystals intact, it is imperative to learn how to cleanse them properly.

5 ways to cleanse your best crystals:

  • Rain or running water – fully submerge your crystal in any natural water source
  • Saltwater – fully submerge your crystal in saltwater for a few hours
  • Brown rice – bury your crystal at the bottom of a bowl of brown rice for 24 hours
  • Natural light – place your crystal outside before bed and bring it in at 11:00 AM the following morning. This allows your crystal to bathe in the light of the sun and the moon.
  • Sage – if burning sage is an option, grab your stone and move it through the sage smoke

11 Healing Crystals & Their Powers:

  • Jasper
  • Fluorite
  • Tiger’s eye
  • Baltic amber
  • Quartz
  • Black tourmaline
  • Agate
  • Smoky quartz
  • Pyrite
  • Carnelian
  • Apatite

Atlas Mountain Jasper Healing Crystal

Atlas Mountain Jasper Palm Stone

Atlas Mountain jasper is used for healing and welcoming positive energy to your space. The power of this healing crystal is truly remarkable. It can aid in mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual healing. Atlas Mountain jasper heals you from the inside out by providing you with guidance and good fortune for every part of your life. We recommend our Atlas Mountain Jasper Palm Stone or our Picture Jasper Heart Stone to get your journey started.

Green Fluorite Healing Crystal

Green fluorite provides deep healing on all levels of a person’s being. This powerful healing crystal brings balance to those who use it while aiding in clearing the seven chakras of the body, though it is most closely centered with the heart chakra. This powerful healing crystal is most widely known for its ability to absorb negative energy and guide those experiencing spiritual burnout. 

Tiger’s Eye Healing Crystal

Tiger Eye Polished Pebbles

One of the best crystals to invest in is the tiger’s eye. This powerful healing crystal is most commonly used as a form of protection. However, users have also used the crystal to help them resolve their problems objectively without being clouded by their emotions.

Helping people make their own decisions without being affected by outside influences continues to be the reason the power of this healing crystal is so popular. If you have been looking to add tiger’s eye to your collection and harness its unique power, we recommend our Tiger Eye Polished Pebbles or our Tiger Eye Puffed Heart.

Baltic Amber Healing Crystal

Baltic amber has several natural healing properties that have kept it at the top of the best crystals list. From anxiety to joint pain to teething babies (we wouldn’t joke about this), Baltic amber can help anyone in need. Baltic amber is one of our favorite powerful healing crystals, so any piece from our collection is highly recommended. 

Hematoid Quartz Healing Crystal

Hematoid Quartz Heart Stone

If you’ve been looking to focus your mind while removing feelings of anxiety, hematoid quartz is for you. This powerful healing crystal provides peace to its owner, allowing them to organize their thoughts and feelings in a manageable way. Closely connected to the root chakra, hematoid quartz will help you open new energies and discover paths you never knew existed. Grab our Hematoid Quartz Heart Stone today, and you’ll see why it’s at the top of our best crystals list!

Black Tourmaline Healing Crystal

Black tourmaline is used to bring light and positive energy into one’s personal space. Promoting self-confidence allows you to tackle any challenges that may come your way. Our Black Tourmaline Polished Pebbles are perfect for carrying around in your pocket to keep yourself protected and guided no matter what the world throws at you.

Banded Agate Healing Crystal

Banded Agate Egg

Banded agate healing crystals come in several different colors that have their own unique capabilities. However, the true power of these healing crystals is that you can mix them with other healing crystals to enhance their powers. Used for improving aspects of your life by focusing on communication, strength, and creativity, it is one of the best crystals for a reason.

We recommend our Banded Agate Sterling Silver Adjustable Ring if you want to wear it. However, If you are looking to hold it or carry it in your bag instead, our Banded Agate Egg will satisfy all your needs!  

Smoky Quartz Healing Crystal

One of the best crystals for removing all forms of negativity from your life is smoky quartz. This powerful healing crystal can work in the darkest of spaces to process and remove negative energies while creating new and positive experiences for the user instead.

If your mind is feeling clear, but your body didn’t follow suit, smoky quartz can also aid in easing several parts of your body, including your heart, muscles, and nervous system. So don’t waste another minute and grab our Medium Polished Smoky Quartz Crystal Point today.

Navajun Pyrite Healing Crystal

Navajun Pyrite Cubes

For those more focused on money and the professional side of their lives, navajun pyrite is the healing crystal you need. The sky is the limit with this crystal, which is known for bringing good luck and optimism. Navajun pyrite is the best crystal for students and those looking to grow in their knowledge and understanding of things around them. So, purchase our Navajun Pyrite Cubes and start taking control of your goals.

Carnelian Healing Crystal

If you’ve been craving creative motivation, the best crystal to use is carnelian. Carnelian can provide bursts of energy that allow the user to get started on projects they may have been delaying for a long period of time. This burst of energy can manifest itself in all aspects of your life. Our fellow crystal lovers enjoy our Carnelian Egg. 

Apatite Healing Crystal

Have you ever told a friend about a dream or a goal, and they promptly screamed, “yes, manifest it!” That is exactly what apatite wants you to do, too. Known as the manifestation crystal, it is locked into a person’s future self and guides every part of their body, creating a powerful alignment so they can achieve their dreams. The power of this healing crystal is unmatched and should definitely be a part of your crystal collection. Our Apatite Heart Stone is the best crystal to start you off.

How Can You Choose the Right Healing Crystal?

Apatite Heart Stone

There definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing the right healing crystal. The power of each healing crystal is unique, and the ultimate choice comes down to what your goals are. Are you looking to improve your day-to-day mood? Focus on your professional career? Or refresh your energies?

The best crystal will be the one that helps you achieve what you set out to do. For the other crystal lovers in your life, crystals make an excellent gift.

The power of healing crystals will continue to be a widely discussed topic as people venture out looking for new ways to improve their lives. By focusing on your goals and learning what works best for you, you will be harnessing power from the best crystals before you know it. So, check out our healing crystals today and start achieving everything on your list. The sky is the limit!

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