Shark Teeth: A Souvenir for All Ages
Sharks are arguably some of the coolest animals on the planet; they can be both predator and prey, big or small, friendly or aggressive. Shark teeth can be found all over the globe and, therefore, have been put to use for many purposes. Historically, shark teeth have been valued for aesthetic purposes and even used as spears and other weapons and tools.
Jewelry made from shark teeth is an ever-popular way to memorialize a beach trip, while larger shark teeth can serve as unique home décor. Either way, they are sure to spark interest and be conversation starters among friends and family.
Why are Shark Teeth So Abundant?
While humans and many other animals just lose baby teeth, sharks can lose up to 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. A key factor in why they fall out so often is that shark teeth don’t have any roots, making them wiggly and susceptible to falling out when they bite into their latest catch.
The abundance of lost shark teeth all over the world has made them a hot commodity; they can be harvested and used in many different ways without ever harming any sharks.
Colors and Patterns: Why Shark Teeth are Popular
Shark teeth come in many different shapes and sizes. From tiny teeth to ones the size of your head, there are teeth from many different species available for purchase. Shark teeth can be found in many different colors, as well.
Many of the teeth end up a darker, almost black color because of the fossilization process. While the teeth sit in deep mineral deposits, they absorb the vitamins and minerals around them. Fortunately, this process also makes them much more durable. You can purchase your shark tooth jewelry with confidence, knowing it will last a lifetime!
Which Sharks are Most Aggressive?
Some sharks are friendly, and some are not so cheery. Many are not actually all that harmful to humans, despite popular rhetoric and the many shark attack movies out there. Not surprisingly, shark teeth from more aggressive species usually have more interesting and detailed teeth to allow them to hunt more effectively.
Some of the top aggressor sharks are:
- Great white sharks
- Hammerhead sharks
- Mako sharks
The first two are no surprise; they are frighteningly large creatures that roam around, looking like they’re eyeing anything that crosses their path. The most unique of the three, however, is the mako shark. There are several reasons why these seemingly small predators top many lists as extremely dangerous sharks.
Why are Mako Sharks Unique?
Unlike great whites or hammerheads, mako sharks are usually a bit smaller, with thinner bodies and not much bulk to them. They don’t have the features of the more classic aggressors; they don’t possess a massive jaw or a head shaped specifically to beat prey. Instead, mako sharks rely on their wit and speed to consistently rank as one of the most aggressive species of shark on the planet.
Surprisingly, mako sharks pose almost no danger to humans - it’s relatively rare that they stalk prey near shores. The same cannot be said for the other types of prey that might fall victim to a mako. Mako sharks stalk their prey from below because of their eye positioning, often making it easier to complete a sneak attack.
Mako sharks are much more intelligent than many other species. In fact, sharks generally are known for being a little dim. However, mako sharks have a high brain-to-body ratio; their brains are much larger for their body size, and it shows in their hunting habits. They rely on their brains rather than their brawn, unlike many other species.
Additionally, mako sharks are extremely fast. Their small, thin bodies allow them to move through the water at a much more rapid pace than some of their larger shark counterparts, swimming at speeds up to 46 miles per hour.
Where are Mako Sharks Found?
Mako sharks are found in tropical waters all over the world. These sharks are warm-blooded, making it essential for them to stay in more temperate climates. Shortfin and longfin species are a little different from one another and can be found in different areas.
Some of the most common regions to spot mako sharks are:
- Pacific Islands
- Mid-Atlantic
- New Zealand/Australia
Why Should You Buy Ethically Sourced Shark Teeth?
Though they are found in many places, mako sharks are considered an endangered species. This is why it’s important to support ethically sourced shark tooth keepsakes. Whaler’s Locker never hunts animals; it only uses resources that can be found naturally.
Facts About Mako Shark Teeth
Because of their unique hunting abilities and the difference between them and other species, mako sharks have extremely unique-looking teeth. They are similar in their triangular shape to many other sharks, but they are extremely smooth and don’t have serrated edges. This is due to the nature of their hunting – makos do not slice through their prey. Rather, they prefer to pierce and rip through their food sources.
Our Favorite Shark Tooth Pendants
Shark teeth keepsakes are an excellent choice for nature lovers of all ages. Because they come in various colors, patterns, and sizes, shark teeth from all over the world can make great gifts for even the youngest shark fan in your life.
Some of our favorite kid-friendly shark tooth pendants include:
Shark Tooth Pendants for Adults
These beautiful gifts aren’t just for kids! Different varieties of shark teeth can have exquisite marbled or two-toned looks that make them a hit with any jewelry lover. Additionally, some artists add gemstone or crystal inlays to make them into pendants that really make a statement.
Our favorite pendants include:
Starting Your Shark Tooth Collection
The holidays are approaching quickly, and shark teeth are an excellent way to knock a few gifts off your list. Whether you are looking for a bold piece, a dainty necklace, or even some new home décor, shark teeth are always popular and give us an excellent opportunity to represent the love and respect we have for the ocean and its inhabitants.