Smoky Quartz: The Gem for Slicing Through Negativity
Do you ever feel like your head is in the clouds, and you just can’t get a grip? When life gets overwhelming and you need some grounding energy, smoky quartz will bring you back to Earth. It acts as your own little support system, balancing your energy through all the ups and downs. It’s not hard to see why this gemstone is one of the most popular in nature.
What Does Smoky Quartz Look Like?
Just like its name suggests, the smoky quartz crystal has dark, smoky colors that will absorb all negativity in your life. It’s a super-charged aviation of the quartz crystal family, but it gets its unique twists of brown from exposure to natural underground radiation granite deposits. The gemstones can also have tints of silver that come from silicon dioxide.
It’ll make you feel rejuvenated from the ground up due to its qualities of:
- soil
- ash
- mud
- clay
This crystal’s darker tint will take on all the lower vibrations leaving your energy field.
Origin and History of Smoky Quartz
Crystals are every celeb’s new favorite method of self-care, but smoky quartz has been a powerful healer since long before Insta-stories and Twitter feeds. In Celtic culture, the stone was sacred to the Druids. The Celts are said to have first mined the gemstone in the wild Cairngorm Mountains that stretch out across the highlands. They called the stone ‘Morion”, originating from the Greek word meaning beautiful or hideous, as well as the old French word Moreau, meaning “black.”
After discovering this crystal, the Druids used its dark power to connect to Earth gods and goddesses like the Goddess of the Occult and the Dark Moon, Chrome, and Dubh. They would even incorporate their gemstones into their outfits by creating pins for their kilts and brooches to wear on their chests.
The Celts weren’t the only ones who relied on smoky quartz’s incredible qualities. The first sunglasses were invented in 12th century China and used pieces of the gemstone for the lenses. The crystal was adopted and celebrated by Maori tribes in New Zealand, nicknamed the “Stone of the Lion” in Spain, and gained lots of popularity during Britain’s Victorian era. Queen Victoria started the trend of wearing smoky quartz as jewelry to mourn a loved one after the death of her husband, Prince Albert.
Can Smoky Quartz Really Heal You?
We definitely don’t want to take it all the way back to the 12th century (we can’t survive internet and electricity-free), but some of the age’s earliest uses for smoky quartz are still just as helpful today. The gemstone can work in darkness to process negative energies and create new, positive change in any situation. Are your hips always sore after a long day? Or maybe you’re feeling a little extra moody lately? Is your root chakra feeling all out of whack? You need some smoky quartz to keep your mind, body, and soul balanced and in check.
Heal Your Body with Smoky Quartz
There’s nothing worse than getting some killer cramps or a pounding headache, just to realize you’re out of ibuprofen. Smoky quartz won’t let your pain get the best of you. You can use it to ease many parts of the body, including:
- heart
- muscles
- nerve tissue
- reproductive system
This gemstone will be a savior for your abs, hips, and legs, as well. If you’re detoxing to prep for swimsuit season, this stone helps the body absorb what it needs. It works in harmony with your body to flush out anything that isn’t serving you. The crystal can absorb harmful electromagnetic smog from your space to keep you feeling as light and refreshed as possible. If your dream in life is to be on the show Survivor, the gemstone is also incredible for improving your survival instincts.
Cleanse Your Mind and Soul with Smoky Quartz
Now that your body is thriving, you’ve got to get your brain on the same level. After all, what’s a healthy body without a happy mind? It seems ideal, but we know it’s not always that easy. Sometimes even the longest crying session with your “in my feelings” playlist on Spotify isn’t enough to heal you. If dealing with your emotions sounds way too much like pulling teeth, the gem can help you cleanse all the negative energy away.
When you find yourself holding onto beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that no longer serve you, use smoky quartz to make room for new energy. It will help you recognize the energy you need to release to bring more happiness into your life. The crystal will be a gentle, healing force that anchors you and stabilizes your energy when life gets a little too hectic. With smoky quartz by your side, you will be able to spend time processing all of your emotions and reflecting on the situation, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction.
Since it allows you to thoroughly process all your feelings and situations, the crystal can alleviate suicidal tendencies. If you just can’t shake your nerves about that big work presentation next week, this gem will calm your nerves and eliminate anxiety. As long as you have some smoky quartz palm stones in your pocket, you’ll be the most levelheaded, happy, and determined version of yourself that you could ever imagine.
Spiritual Healing with Smoky Quartz
Getting in touch with your spiritual side will make such a positive difference in your life. Smoky quartz’s healing energy can take you from a ball of anxiety to a state of total Zen. The gemstone works to link you to the Earth’s supportive energy while also connecting you to a higher state of being. If you’ve been feeling out of place in the world, smoky quartz’s stunningly powerful for reconnecting you with both the physical and spiritual realms. The gemstone strengthens your intuition and psychic insight; it allows you to see beyond what’s often shrouded in life.
Since the crystal is so grounding, it’s superb for its root chakra cleansing. Your root chakra is what connects you to the Earth and draws you closer to nature. You can also use it to balance your solar plexus chakra. With your chakras in line, your dreams will start to manifest in the blink of an eye. The stone is mighty for the Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn zodiac signs.
How to Use Your Smoky Quartz
So, how do you bring all these fantastic smoky quartz qualities into your life? You can keep the stones anywhere near you or around your space to feel their healing energy. Hold the gemstone in your hand and imagine it engulfing any low vibrational energy in flames, or hold some with you during your meditative practice if thoughts of grocery lists and tomorrow morning’s errands just won’t escape your mind. You can use the crystal to set intentions while you meditate. To keep its power with you at all times, you could sport a cute smoky quartz jewelry piece, just like Jlo.
Having this stone in your home will make all your friends jealous of your top-notch decorating skills. Its energy is complementary to many other crystals, like any others from the Quartz family or lapis lazuli. Arrange your crystal collection throughout your home, and you’ll definitely be thanking us later. Put the gem by your front door, so bad vibes won’t have the chance to enter. During the winter months, it will bring you comfort and resonate with the changes in the seasons. With smoky quartz crystal points in your gathering spaces, all connections will be engulfed with a grounded sense of emotion.
Get ready to be blown away by how joyful, healthy, and productive the gem will make you feel. Stressful jobs, annoying exes, and long to-do lists have nothing on the crystal’s anxiety-absorbing power. Check out our incredible selection of smoky quartz palm stones and crystal points; we guarantee you’ll wonder where this amazing crystal has been your whole life!