Embrace Nature, History, and Style with Hawaii-Inspired Jewelry
Jewelry can be very personal. For some, jewelry can be a sentimental piece that represents a loved one or hard time in their life. It can also represent overcoming an obstacle or persevering through difficulties. Jewelry can be a tangible reminder to keep going, stay strong, or even slow down and enjoy the smaller things in life.
If you’re in the market for a new piece of jewelry for yourself, a unique gift, or a beautiful souvenir to commemorate a trip, Hawaiian-inspired jewelry is your answer! With its rich history as well as its stunning looks and craftsmanship, it’s sure to be a hit.
Brief History of Hawaii – Early Hawaii and Today
Hawaii is one of the most unique places in the world, despite its short history. The Hawaiian Islands were first inhabited around 1,500 years ago when Polynesians sailed to the beautiful isles using the starry night sky to guide them. It might sound like the beginning of a fairytale, but shortly thereafter, there were many battles to establish the order of the islands.
Today, Hawaii is known for its gorgeous white-sand beaches, easygoing locals, and some of the greatest food you’ll ever taste. Hawaiians also have sacred, historical traditions and practices, like creating beautiful art and jewelry pieces inspired by the islands they love.
What is Hawaiian-Inspired Jewelry?
The people of Hawaii are known for connecting with nature, and their jewelry creations are no exception. Natural elements, like shells, stones, and fossils, are crafted into jewelry and sent all over the world for others to enjoy. It is an honorable tradition to participate in Hawaiian-style jewelry-making and wearing.
Though there are many mediums for making Hawaiian-inspired jewelry, some of our favorites include Baltic amber jewelry and fossil jewelry. Both types of jewelry have their own unique attributes and provide some flair to your look, but they also have surprising meanings that make them special and invaluable to the wearer.
What Is Baltic Amber Jewelry?
Baltic amber is often regarded as a gemstone, and while it certainly looks like one, it’s actually a fossil. Baltic amber jewelry is popular because it comes in many different hues and designs. It is formed by a resin that comes from tree bark, which then hardens over many years. Most of the Baltic amber jewelry we see today has elements that were likely formed millions of years ago.
Baltic amber jewelry comes in many shapes and sizes. For the young jewelry lover in your life, you might consider gifting them a Dancing Butterfly Baltic Amber Pendant. Or, for a beautiful statement piece for your stylish lady, this Amber Ring could be the perfect addition to their collection.
Can Baltic Amber Jewelry Do Anything Else?
You might be surprised to learn that Baltic amber jewelry isn’t just something pretty to wear, but it also has powerful healing properties! When warmed, Baltic amber can release a substance called succinic acid, which is noted for its anti-inflammatory, skin-soothing, and natural pain-relieving properties.
Baltic amber jewelry is popular because it is naturally warmed when worn, releasing its powers.
3 of our favorite ways to wear Baltic amber jewelry are for the following ailments:
- Teething babies
- Arthritis
- Headaches
Growing Painful New Teeth
Many people have experienced the fussiness and misery of a baby who is getting new teeth; their poor gums are inflamed and painful beyond belief! This is where succinic acid comes in; once it’s released, it will help with both the pain and swelling!
This Butterscotch Swirl Baltic Amber Sterling Silver Pendant could be a great gift for a new mom to wear while holding her baby. Always make sure babies are supervised while around any piece of Baltic amber jewelry that may be a choking hazard.
Arthritic Hands
Unfortunately, arthritis is one of those things that many cannot escape as they age. Oftentimes hands are the first victims, but a simple and stylish Baltic Amber Bracelet could help! When worn around the wrist, Baltic amber jewelry will help calm those angry joints and provide quick relief.
Relief for Headaches
This may be your new secret weapon against the common headache! Any type of Baltic amber jewelry that is worn near the head, like earrings or a necklace, can aid your pounding head. You may not need that daily Ibuprofen after all!
What Is Fossil Jewelry?
Fossil jewelry is what it sounds like – gorgeous pieces of jewelry made with natural, historical elements. A well-recognized type of fossil, the ammonite fossil, is often made into fossil jewelry because of its unique shapes and designs.
3 of our favorite ammonite fossil jewelry pieces are:
- Small Ammonite Pendant
- Ammonite Pendant with Silver Spiral
- Large Ammonite Pendant
Each of these fossil jewelry pieces would make wonderful gifts for any special person in your life. Whether you know an aspiring paleontologist or someone who loves statement pieces and spicing up their outfits, fossil jewelry is the way to go.
Why is Fossil Jewelry Valuable?
Fossil jewelry is known in many Hawaii communities to promote healing and bring luck and good fortune to those who wear it. The people of Hawaii believe that intertwining nature into your everyday life is one of the keys to happiness, peace, and prosperity.
While fossil jewelry can be monetarily valuable due to its rarity, it is also invaluable to the owner for its powers. You might use fossil jewelry during meditation to help manifest your wishes. Since fossils can be tricky to find, they are also known to help with perseverance since it’s often required to find one in nature.
Is Hawaiian-Inspired Jewelry Sustainable and Ethical?
At Whaler’s Locker, we strive to ensure our pieces are ethically made and that their production does not hurt the environment in any way. When you purchase with us, you are supporting a local Hawaii business and our artisans in the community.
If you are seeking out a new piece of Hawaiian-style jewelry, be it for a gift for others or yourself, you can rest assured that these pieces are of the highest quality and will be strikingly beautiful no matter how they are worn.