All About Selenite
Often when people visit Hawaii, they go home changed. Changed in physical ways, obviously. If you live in North America, you’ve probably got an amazing tan you can’t get from anywhere else. More than that, many people experience powerful and healing changes to their minds and souls when they visit Hawaii.
It’s no wonder, really. It could be the rich history of the Hawaiian Islands. It could be the vast and mighty ocean or other natural wonders like the volcanos and mountains, or it could be introductions to new ways to heal that you haven’t come across before visiting Hawaii.
Healing crystals are a popular metaphysical form of alternative healing in Hawaii and in other parts of the United States. The idea of healing crystals is not new, nor is it unique to Hawaii. In fact, since the beginning of time, humans have shared an affinity for sparkly things, but it’s more than beauty. According to ancient Hawaiian culture, crystals contain the ability to heal.
How do Crystals Heal?

Crystals are where science and metaphysics intersect. A single crystal got its start millions of years ago and formed over thousands of years. Influenced by weather patterns or even early humans, crystals keep a database of their experiences within.
Crystals are the most orderly structure that naturally occurs in nature. The energetic vibrations of their environment influence their structural development, and thus they oscillate unique vibrational frequencies. These frequencies aren’t just mystical, either. Crystals are used in everyday technology, like your cell phone and your TV.
Some crystals, like quartz, are mostly used in practical, technological ways. Other crystals, people use mostly for their healing abilities. One of the most potent and popular healing crystals is selenite. Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum. Gypsum’s primary, practical uses include being the main ingredient of plaster-of-Paris, cement, and sheetrock.
Selenite is a transparent variety of gypsum named after the moon. It commonly forms in tabular, reticular, and columnar crystals free from imperfections or inclusions. The water or glass-like crystals are popular additions among healing crystal collections.
Selenite’s Healing Properties
Many people believe that selenite has healing properties powerful enough to heal the mind and the body.
How Selenite Heals the Mind

- Offers clarity from confusion
- Expansion of the mind and self-awareness
- Connects with higher powers
- Reveals past lives
- Brings about a deep sense of peace
How Selenite Heals the Body
- Aligns the spine
- Encourages flexibility
- Heals skeletal wounds
- Reverses the adverse effects on the body from free radicals
You can benefit from selenite if you feel the energy around you is dense and heavy or if your mind feels foggy. Selenite is often called liquid light due to its high vibrational frequency, which can leave you feeling light, fluid, and free. Another powerful quality of a selenite stone is its ability to clear the energies from other healing crystals.
How to Use Selenite
You don’t have to be an expert or even know very much about healing crystals in order to benefit from selenite’s cleansing powers. Many ways in which you can use selenite require truly little thought, as its energy is continuously working passively for you.
- Wear
- Carry
- Display
- Charge
- Cleanse
Wear Selenite Jewelry
Selenite is a very soft mineral, and for that reason, not typically a jewelry piece. However, if you can find a pendant necklace, you can wear your selenite, and it will cleanse your energy constantly throughout the day. You get the added benefit of its touch against your skin if you wear it as a pendant.
Carry Selenite Throughout Your Day
Carrying a selenite heart stone is another way to consistently reap the benefits of selenite crystals throughout the day. Place it in your pocket or in your purse, and it will clear the energy field around you.
Display Selenite at Home
Place the stone in your home on display somewhere you spend most of your time or somewhere you feel the energy needs cleansing. The powerfully energizing stone will keep your home light and raise its energetic vibration.
How to Charge and Cleanse Selenite
Selenite does not typically need to charge the way other stones do, as it is cleansing and self-clearing by nature. However, no harm can come from charging it, so if you feel the need, place it in the sun or the moonlight overnight.
To cleanse and re-energize your other healing stones with selenite, use a slab made of selenite to place your smaller stones that need cleansing. Leave the stones resting on your selenite for about 24 hours. For added effect, place them in the sunlight too, or in the moonlight of a full or new moon.
Selenite from Hawaii
Crystals absorb the energies from the environments in which they exist. So, if you find that your visit to Hawaii was extraordinarily healing, you can bring home a piece of that healing energy from the Hawaiian Islands by bringing home a selenite crystal.
Alternatively, if you haven’t been able to visit Hawaii, purchasing a piece of selenite from Hawaii might give you a glimpse of the healing powers of Hawaii that await when you can make a trip.